Homeopathy to get the child to sleep

We seek alternative treatments for different childhood ailments that are not as aggressive with the health of the little ones. More and more people are approaching alternative medicine in order to guarantee the health without risk of children. And homeopathy is presented as one of those effective an

We seek alternative treatments for different childhood ailments that are not as aggressive with the health of the little ones. More and more people are approaching alternative medicine in order to guarantee the health without risk of children. And homeopathy is presented as one of those effective and safe alternative therapies.

Without prejudice to going to conventional medicine for children to have a follow-up by the pediatrician, there are some disorders, diseases or childhood diseases that can be treated from homeopathy. If your child sleeps badly, you can try a homeopathic remedy to guarantee your night rest and that of the whole family.

Homeopathic remedies for the child to sleep

The insomnia or sleeping problems are not exclusive to adults. Some babies can spend months without good sleep, with consequent wear and tear on them and the whole family. For their part, children also suffer from some sleep disorders or problems that prevent them from sleeping, such as night terrors, enuresis or sleepwalking.

Homeopathy can help children achieve that night's rest they need to start the day full of energy. The Lycopodim is advised for those fears of children that prevent them from sleeping as soon as they are left alone in the bedroom. The Medorrhinum is indicated for those children who do not exhaust themselves and arrive at night so active that they find it impossible to fall asleep. And the Calcium carbonicum is to fight the famous night terrors that so many children suffer.

These homeopathic remedies are just some of the ones recommended by specialists to promote children's sleep. But in any case, we must go to the consultation of a professional homeopath to study the case of each child in particular, so it will be easier to find the most appropriate treatment for each case.

The secret for children to sleep

As much as homeopathic remedies do not have secondary effects and do not present risks for the health of our children, before going to any type of medicine, neither conventional nor alternative, we should review the reasons why Our children can not sleep. Because maybe your insomnia problem is simply due to a lack of sleep hygiene.

Sleep is also learned and, therefore, we must also teach our children to sleep. Sleep hygiene is a series of routines that our children should observe from a very young age, such as lowering the rhythm of activity as the night approaches and performing relaxing activities that induce sleep. Lying down and getting up always at the same time is also essential to regulate your sleep cycle. Without forgetting the need of children to enjoy a relaxed family environment.

Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com