The riddle of the Sphinx. Short stories for children

We have found a way for our children to learn history and have fun at the same time. In Guiainfantil we are adapting the legends of Greek mythology in the form of short stories for children. This time we went to the Greek city of Thebes walking with Oedipus to try to solve the riddle that throws the

We have found a way for our children to learn history and have fun at the same time. In Guiainfantil we are adapting the legends of Greek mythology in the form of short stories for children.

This time we went to the Greek city of Thebes walking with Oedipus to try to solve the riddle that throws the fearsome Sphinx to all those hikers who want to enter the city.

Oedipus and the riddle of the Sphinx

Long ago the inhabitants of the city of Thebes were frightened by a Sphinx that suddenly appeared one day at the entrance to the city. The Sphinx was not like those famous sphinxes of Egypt, but it was a monstrous being with a human head, a lion's body and enormous wings.

The Sphinx prevented the exit of the inhabitants of the city, but also the entrance to Thebes since anyone who wanted to leave or enter had to solve the riddle proposed by the Sphinx. If he did not succeed, the Sphinx waved its enormous wings and threw the person who was wrong as far as possible with a great blow that never recovered.

A good day passed by there a very intelligent young man called Oedipus. He wanted to enter the city of Thebes but, like everyone else, he had to guess the riddle of the Sphinx first.

- Good afternoon, Oedipus - said the Sphinx- you have to guess my riddle if you want to enter the city. Ade - Go ahead, what is the riddle? - said Oedipus with the assurance that his ingenuity gave him.

- He only has one voice and he walks with four feet in the morning, with two feet at noon and three feet at night.

That was the famous riddle of the Sphinx that nobody could solve. Oedipus thought for a while, the riddle was difficult, but after giving it a couple of turns he came up with the correct answer. El - The human being- said Oedipus. Because when he is born, he crawls and walks on all fours, then walks with two feet and when he gets old he needs a cane to walk.

The answer was correct. The Sphinx was in a very bad mood because now she had to let Oedipus pass and she would have to find another place for her riddles. So he flapped his wings and flew very far away from Thebes.

Laura Vélez.

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