How to make a Pinocchio puppet. Crafts for children

Pinocchio is a character that transmits many values ​​to children. Pinocchio talks about the lie, the effort, the disobedience. It tells us what conscience and remorse are. It tells us of the love of a father towards his son and that of the son towards the parents. But Pinocchio is also a fantastic

Pinocchio is a character that transmits many values ​​to children. Pinocchio talks about the lie, the effort, the disobedience. It tells us what conscience and remorse are. It tells us of the love of a father towards his son and that of the son towards the parents.

But Pinocchio is also a fantastic story to play. Would you like to make a puppet out of recycled material to be able to interpret the story with your children? We make it easy for you: here is the step by step of this fantastic craft.


  • An empty liquid yogurt container or a roll of toilet paper
  • Red, yellow, black and blue cardboard
  • One white cork ball
  • Brown or beige string
  • Cotton thread and two medium sticks
  • White glue or glue
  • Pattern to print

Pinocho's puppet, step by step

1. First print the pattern with all the pieces that you will have to stick on your puppet: the trousers, the suspenders, the buttons, the bow tie, the nose and the hat. Cut them out

2. Now we have to cut the same pieces on cardboard: the rectangle of trousers on the red cardboard, like the braces and the nose of Pinocchio. The buttons and the hat, on yellow cardboard. The bow tie on blue cardboard.

3. Now you have to paste the pieces: the trousers, the suspenders, the buttons and the bow tie. As soon as you have them properly glued, make a hole on each side of the container and pass the brown or beige cord to make the arms. You will do the same with the legs (although the legs if you prefer, you can stick them). Cru 4. Cross the sticks and join them with the fine cotton string. Leave a piece of long rope in the center to join it later to the head.

5. Stick the white cork ball and paint the eyes, mouth and blushes. Make the yellow hat and do not forget to introduce the string of the puppet that you left longer by tying the cross sticks. It serves so that it can sustain the head. Now, hit the hat. Ata 6. Tie the cotton twine to the arms and the spines of Pinocchio and attach them to the sticks. So you can move it to your liking. You already have your Pinocchio!