Children with skin allergies

Skin allergies occur when a substance, agent or element comes in contact with the body whether it be animals, food, medicine, insects, chemicals or even the sun. The delicate skin of children reacts against the substance in question and causes dermatitis, itching, rash, eczema, psoriasis, inflammati

Skin allergies occur when a substance, agent or element comes in contact with the body whether it be animals, food, medicine, insects, chemicals or even the sun.

The delicate skin of children reacts against the substance in question and causes dermatitis, itching, rash, eczema, psoriasis, inflammation, redness ...

Allergies on the skin of children

At we explain what types of allergies in The skin can suffer children, what symptoms they show and how they can be treated to relieve discomfort.

Allergies on the skin of children. Allergies can also appear on children's skin. The dermatologist explains to us that the rashes and rashes that appear on the skin of children are due

Dermatitis and irritations. Summer sweats, atopic dermatitis, irritations of the baby's folds and diaper rash are some of the most common alterations that affect the delicate skin of the baby and child.

Dermatitis in the baby's diaper. What is diaper rash in the baby. We explain how to recognize this problem and how to prevent it to keep your child's skin healthy.

Decalogue to control dermatitis. offers a Decalogue to control childhood dermatitis. With the help of a few tips and recommendations, you can prevent and control the symptoms of dermatitis or eczema in children.

Atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis can appear at any stage of life, but mainly in children under 7 years of age. The so-called dermatitis of the infant, up to 24 months of age, has a predilection for the cheeks, the folds of the elbow, the fists, the back of the hands and the chin of children.

Suitable clothing for children with dermatitis. The baby's clothes with atopic dermatitis must meet a series of requirements, from its composition to the way of washing and storing it. Dermatitis and skin irritation, and contact with certain tissues can worsen the symptoms. We explain how your baby's clothes should be if he suffers from atopic dermatitis.

Nickel allergies. The allergy to nickel metal can be by contact or ingestion of said metal. Depending on this, the symptoms will be one or the other. If it is due to skin contact, the allergic reaction is usually rash or dermatitis. It is a chronic disease that has higher and lower incidence peaks.

Allergy to stings. Allergy of children to insect bites. During the summer period, the activity of certain insects such as wasps, bees, flies or mosquitoes increases, which is why there is a greater risk of suffering stings and allergic reactions from the second bite.

Allergy to the sun. Child allergy Allergy to the sun Among the allergic reactions to the sun, we must distinguish two types: one is solar urticaria, which is triggered directly by the sun, and the other is the photoallergic reaction, which is caused by other substances when they come in contact with sunlight .

Allergy to drugs. Allergies to drugs in children. Allergies to medicines in children. Allergic reactions to medications and drugs in children. Symptoms and treatment of drug allergies in children.

Other allergies in children: food. Food allergies are a very common disorder in childhood. The foods that cause the most allergies and intolerance in children are milk, eggs, fish, nuts or wheat.

Other allergies in children: spring. The spring allergy often appears in childhood and have a high genetic component, ie the allergy is inherited. As spring approaches, seasonal allergies and spring asthenia begin.