Allergies and food intolerances in childhood

Food allergies are a very common disorder in childhood . The foods that cause the most allergies and intolerance in children are milk, eggs, fish, nuts or wheat. Do not confuse allergies and intolerances. While allergies cause gastrointestinal disorders such as gut pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting

Food allergies are a very common disorder in childhood. The foods that cause the most allergies and intolerance in children are milk, eggs, fish, nuts or wheat.

Do not confuse allergies and intolerances. While allergies cause gastrointestinal disorders such as gut pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, intolerances also generate respiratory, dermatological, articulatory or general problems such as headaches or headaches.

Children with allergies or food intolerance

At we tell you about the most frequent food allergies in childhood, what symptoms they show and how to treat them.

Allergies to food. Allergies to food in children and babies. Types of allergic reactions to food in children. The most frequent allergic food allergic reactions. Intolerance to lactose and other foods in children.

Questions and answers about food allergies. We explain what are the main causes of food allergies in children. Unfortunately, any animal or vegetable protein is likely to trigger allergic reactions. Dr. Maria Niella, president of Histasan, Madrilenian Association of Allergy Allergies, addresses in this interview the allergy to food in children.

How to treat food allergies. Dr. Begoña Dominguez, president of the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics (AEPap) presents a new approach to the treatment of food allergies and explains some rules of behavior and how to help the allergic child

How to detect food allergies. How can we detect a food allergy in a child? The nutritionist Lucia Bultó recommends resorting to the advice of a specialist, rather than removing a food from a child's diet.

Answers to questions about food allergies. Children's allergies increase. Whether they are asthmatic or a food, the truth is that more and more cases of childhood allergies are diagnosed in the world. María Niella, president of Histasan, Madrilenian Association of Allergies Alimentarias (Spain), responds to some of the general doubts about allergies in children. Answers to some questions about childhood allergies.

Allergy of children to the egg. Food allergies of children. One of the most widespread among children, is egg allergy. However, it is an allergy that can subside over the years.

Allergy to milk protein. What does it mean to have an allergy to lactose protein? Difference between lactose allergy and lactose intolerance. How is lactose allergy detected in children? What consequences does it have?

Allergy to nuts. The arrival of Christmas is a propitious time to take preventive measures against food allergies since much of these reactions are caused by nuts, an ingredient that is not missing in most Christmas sweets.

The fruits that produce the most allergy. Peach, melon and kiwi are the fruits that produce the most allergy in children. Experts say that food allergy is the most frequent cause of anaphylaxis assistance in hospital emergency departments. We tell you which are the fruits with which you should be more careful when giving it to your children.

Breastfeeding against allergies. Breastfeeding babies is the best prevention against childhood allergies. Children who have been breastfed are less likely to have both skin allergies and certain foods.

Menu for children with lactose intolerance. Children with lactose intolerance should monitor their menu and read very well the labeling of some products. Not only yogurts and milk incorporate lactose. Also other foods like bread mold. We offer you a weekly menu by stations to help you elaborate your menu.

Fructose intolerance. Hereditary fructose intolerance (IHF) in children is a disease caused by the absence of an enzyme that transforms the sugar contained in fruit and honey. This genetic alteration prevents fructose from being synthesized in the proper way for the child's organism, accumulating in the liver, kidneys or intestine.

Food for children lactose intolerant. Food for children that can replace milk when there is an intolerance to lactose. Difference between allergy and cow's milk intolerance. Interview with dietitian-nutritionist María Luján. Lactose intolerance in childhood

Intolerance to lactose. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Nutritionist María Luján explains how lactose intolerance affects premature babies and children.

Gluten free recipes for coeliacs. Recipe ideas for celiac children. Recipes without gluten. In Guí we offer you a complete diet specially designed for celiac children. A selection of gluten-free recipes for your child to grow up healthy and without danger.

Other allergies in children: spring allergy. The spring allergy often appears in childhood and have a high genetic component, ie the allergy is inherited. As spring approaches, seasonal allergies and spring asthenia begin.

Other allergies in children: skin allergies. The delicate skin of children reacts against the substance in question and causes dermatitis, itching, rash, eczema, psoriasis, inflammation, redness ... Skin allergies occur when a substance comes into contact with the body whether animals, food , medicines, insects, chemical elements or even the sun.