Saint Valery Day, February 25. Names for children

Valerio is a name for a child of Latin origin meaning "strong" or "robust", it has a very promising meaning that makes it ideal as a name for your child. It is a name with a great Latin tradition, because its origin is the illustrious Roman family or gens Valeria to which illustrious characters belo

Valerio is a name for a child of Latin origin meaning "strong" or "robust", it has a very promising meaning that makes it ideal as a name for your child.

It is a name with a great Latin tradition, because its origin is the illustrious Roman family or gens Valeria to which illustrious characters belonged. Celebrate your name day on February 25, which is the day of San Valerio.

Curiosities about the name Valerio

The name Valerio implies a charismatic personality and adapts perfectly to an authentic leader. Valerio is impulsive and emotional, but he also knows how to find the necessary temperance to face crisis situations. His natural talent and innate vigor make him triumph in affective relationships and in the professional environment. In addition Valerio is a committed and very loyal person.

Valerio is a name that is known throughout the world and in most languages ​​its form changes to Valery, from English to Russian, passing through French.

It is not a frequent name at present, although its use is more widely observed in Italy, but that low popularity is precisely what gives real strength to the name of your child, since it is not at all antiquated and, instead, contributes distinction. The name of your child is found as a place-name in many places in France in the form of Saint-Valery, but it is in the form of historical characters of the Latin tradition that this name has been best conveyed to us.

Thus were many consuls and Roman soldiers named Valerio and even two emperors belonged to this gens Valeria.

The field that most recognizes the name Valerio is that of literature. Writers of antiquity like Valerio Maximo, poets such as Marco Valerio Marcial, Valerio Flaco or the always brilliant Catulo, whose full name was GayoValerio Catulo. And without leaving the literature, but more current, we can not forget the prolific Italian author of historical novel Valerio Massimo Manfredi.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of