The two friends and the bear. Tales with rhyme

The two friends and the bear is one of the many fables that Samaniego wrote. It is a short story with rhyme that hides a teaching, so it becomes an ideal story to educate children in values. Short stories and poems are a perfect resource to bring reading to children. This story in verse teaches chil

The two friends and the bear is one of the many fables that Samaniego wrote. It is a short story with rhyme that hides a teaching, so it becomes an ideal story to educate children in values.

Short stories and poems are a perfect resource to bring reading to children. This story in verse teaches children to turn away from those friends who abandon you as soon as they see danger.

Children's verse story: The two friends and the bear

A bear appears to two friends:
the one, very fearful,
in the branches of a tree is assured;
the other, left to chance,

He pretends dead suddenly.
the Bear approaches slowly;
more like this animal, as it is told,
of corpses never feeds,

No offense it registers and touches it,
hurts its nose and mouth;
does not feel the breath,
or the slightest movement;

And so, he went without saying: Este 'This dead man is like my grandfather.'
Then the coward,
of his great friendship boasting,
of the tree is very light,
runs, arrives and hugs the companion,
Ponders the fortune

of having found him without any injury,
and finally says:
'Sepas that I have noticed
That the Bear told you some message.
What could it be? '
'Tell yourself what has been;

these two little words in your ear:
separate your friendship from the person
that if he sees you at risk, he abandons you. '