Sonatina. Tales in verse about princesses

Sonatina is one of Rubén Darío's best-known poems. It was published in 1896 in the series 'Prosas profanas and other poems' and tells the story of a melancholy and sad princess . The poem tells us that although the princess has all the riches at her disposal, she is sad and nothing comforts her. Thi

Sonatina is one of Rubén Darío's best-known poems. It was published in 1896 in the series 'Prosas profanas and other poems' and tells the story of a melancholy and sad princess. The poem tells us that although the princess has all the riches at her disposal, she is sad and nothing comforts her.

This poem is full of musicality so it makes it ideal to read the children out loud. In addition, it is surrounded by fantasy and hope, since in the end a gentleman comes to save the princess from such sadness.

Poem of the princess of Rubén Darío

The princess is sad ... what will the princess have?
The sighs escape from his strawberry mouth,
he has lost his laughter, he has lost his color.
The princess is pale in her golden chair, el the keyboard of her sonorous key is mute, en and in a glass, forgotten, a flower faints.
The garden populates the triumph of the peacocks.
Parlanchina, the owner says trivial things,

and dressed in red tricks the buffoon.
The princess does not laugh, the princess does not feel;
the princess pursues by the eastern sky
the dragonfly wanders from a vague illusion.
Do you think, perhaps, of the prince of Golconda or of China, or of the one who has stopped his argentinian carriage
to see the sweetness of light from his eyes?

Or in the king of the islands of the fragrant roses, en or in the one who is sovereign of the clear diamonds, en or in the proud owner of the pearls of Hormuz? Ay Oh, the poor princess with the pink mouth
wants to be a swallow, wants to be a butterfly,
to have light wings, to fly under the sky;
Go to the sun by the luminous scale of lightning,
Greet the lilies with the verses of May
or get lost in the wind on the thunder of the sea.

He no longer wants the palace, nor the silver spinning wheel, nor the enchanted hawk, nor the scarlet buffoon, nor the unanimous swans in the azure lake.
And the flowers are sad for the flower of the court,
the jasmines of the East, the nelumbos of the North,
of the West, the dahlias and the roses of the South.
Poor little princess with the blue eyes!
She is imprisoned in her golds, she is imprisoned in her tulles,

in the marble cage of the royal palace;
the superb palace guarded by the guards,
guarding a hundred blacks with their hundred halberds, le a hound that does not sleep and a colossal dragon.
Oh, who was hypsipila who left the chrysalis!
(The princess is sad, the princess is pale)
Oh worshiped vision of gold, rose and ivory! Quién Who will fly to earth where a prince exists,

-the princess is pale, the princess is sad-,
brighter than the dawn, more beautiful than April!
- "Calla, shut up, princess," says the fairy godmother, "on a horse, with wings, this is the way, the sword in your belt and the hawk in your hand," the happy knight who adores you without seeing you,
and that comes from afar, winner of Death,
to light your lips with a kiss of love. "
Rubén Darío