Saint Amelia's Day, January 5th. Names for girls

Amelia is a name for girl of Germanic origin that means "work", something that tells us something about the entrepreneurial and magnetic character of your daughter. Although it is not one of the most frequent names, its use has been popularized in recent years by French influence. Sometimes this nam

Amelia is a name for girl of Germanic origin that means "work", something that tells us something about the entrepreneurial and magnetic character of your daughter. Although it is not one of the most frequent names, its use has been popularized in recent years by French influence.

Sometimes this name is related to Amalia's, but Amelia celebrates her name day on January 5.

Curiosities about the name Amelia

Mysterious and emotional are the characteristics that best define Amelia. We are talking about a sociable girl who always reserves a plot for herself. His idealistic and dreamy character is compensated with his ability to resolve any situation. Amelia implies a very special personality that inevitably seduces by its particular attitude.

Amelia is a name that is used throughout the West with hardly any variations in the different languages. The strength of your daughter's name is guaranteed by the great personalities that have taken him throughout history, as artists, novelists, queens and empresses. The name Amelia sounds like tenderness, sophistication and also security.

One of the women who bear the name of your daughter who has most caught our attention is Amelia Mary Earhart, a pioneer American aviator who disappeared in the Pacific Ocean in 1937.

Precisely in the life of this Amelia is based the film of the same name of the year 2009 starring Hilary Swank, Richard Gere and Ewan McGregor.

But it is another film that has revitalized the name of your baby in recent years, "Amélie", a French film from 2001 that became a real phenomenon due to the success it achieved, unseating Hollywood blockbusters at the box office and getting five Oscars nominations. A film that created everything a trend in fashion, music, even in attitude to life placing the name Amelia in one of the most desired.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of