Day of Saint Faustino, February 15. Names for children

Faustino is a name for a child of Latin origin meaning "of the family of Faust". Bearing in mind that the name Faust has a meaning of "happy" or "lucky", your child will be guaranteed good luck. Although it is not one of the most frequent names, it maintains all the strength of the Latin tradition.

Faustino is a name for a child of Latin origin meaning "of the family of Faust". Bearing in mind that the name Faust has a meaning of "happy" or "lucky", your child will be guaranteed good luck.

Although it is not one of the most frequent names, it maintains all the strength of the Latin tradition. He celebrates his name day on February 15, which is the day of San Faustino.

Curiosities about the Faustino name

The main characteristic that emerges from the Faustino name is his perseverance. Of reflective character, Faustino stands out for his intellectual abilities and his creativity. His halo of good luck, which is implicit in the meaning of the name, makes Faustino the soul of social gatherings. On the other hand, their capacity for effort is also rewarded in the professional field.

The name of your child is rare although it is familiar throughout Europe and Latin America. However, it is in Italy that Faustino appears more frequently. We find its Catalan variant Faustí especially attractive, and a curiosity about this name is that it can also appear as a surname.

Throughout history we find many famous people with the same name as your son, like the Emperor of Haiti, Faustino I. Also several sculptors like Faustino Goico-Aguirre or Faustino Sanz Herranz, prestigious historians like Faustino Narganes Quijano and even a boxer, Faustino Reyes.

But the name Faustino has also marked titles of novels as in "The Illusions of Doctor Faustino" by Juan Valera, where an impeccable vision of a comfortable life, full of dreams but without the drive to realize them, is impeccably transmitted. In the cinema we find "Faustino Mayta visits his cousin", a Bolivian film from 2003.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of