Daedalus and his son Icarus in the labyrinth of the Minotaur. Legends for children

Daedalus was an inventor of ancient Greece who built la a labyrinth to enclose the Minotaur. So complicated he designed the labyrinth that he did not even find the way out. Greek mythology is also for children. With our short stories based on the legends of Greece, children learn history and enter t

Daedalus was an inventor of ancient Greece who built la a labyrinth to enclose the Minotaur. So complicated he designed the labyrinth that he did not even find the way out. Greek

mythology is also for children. With our short stories based on the legends of Greece, children learn history and enter the world of culture in an easy and fun way. Daedalus, Icarus and the Minotaur

There was once a long time ago a monster half bull, half man who was called

Minotaur . The Minotaur lived on theisland of Crete and King Minos wanted to protect all its citizens from the voracious appetite of this Minotaur that ate everyone who was on the road. Since they could not kill the Minotaur, King Minos decided to lock him up in a place he could never leave. So Minos called the best inventor of the island of Crete, one

Daedalus and asked him to build a labyrinth so complicated that Minotauro could never leave it. And Daedalus began to build along with his son Ícaro the labyrinth for the Minotaur. Father and son did their job well, they struggled to build alleys in the labyrinth until they turned it into a labyrinth with no way out. And when they finished the labyrinth ... - Dad, and now how are we going to get out of the labyrinth? - asked

Icarus .Daedalus

then set out to find the way out of that labyrinth he had created, but he did not find it. Of course the Minotauro was not going to leave there ever, but the problem was how they were going to leave. The problem was great, but not so much that the ingenious Dé Daedalus could not solve it. He made wax wings for himself and others for his son. - We will fly with these wings that I have made - said Daedalus

- but be careful and do not get too close to the sun because the wings could melt. So they managed to get out of the labyrinth with no way out that they had prepared to lock the Minotauro

. The plan was perfect, but Icaruswas not exactly an obedient son and when he gained confidence flying with his wax wings he wanted to get closer and closer to the sun. With the heat of the sun the wings of Icarus melted and fell into the sea, where immediately and to prevent drowning, an island that today is called Icaria emerged. Laura Vélez.Editor of Guiainfantil.com