Day of Saint Jordán, February 13. Names for children

Jordán is a name for a boy of Hebrew origin that means "he who descends" in clear allusion to the river of the same name of south-east Asia. Although it is not a frequent name, or precisely because of that, it is an ideal name for your child, since it has all the originality without falling into ext

Jordán is a name for a boy of Hebrew origin that means "he who descends" in clear allusion to the river of the same name of south-east Asia.

Although it is not a frequent name, or precisely because of that, it is an ideal name for your child, since it has all the originality without falling into extravagance and is not outdated either. Celebrate your name day on February 13, which is the day of San Jordán.

Curiosities about the name Jordán

The name Jordán implies a strong personality aimed at leadership. Jordán is organized, energetic and efficient, able to find the necessary resources to get out of each situation. He is the soul of his nucleus of friends and his family because of his mental agility and his predisposition to animate the environment, because Jordan, apart from being dynamic, exudes joy around him.

The name of your child is known in all countries without changing its spelling, except in its Italian version, Giordano. And although it is a very attractive name for any child, the truth is that it is more familiar to us as a surname. In addition, there are many places that bear the name Jordan.

We know the name Jordán thanks to writers like Jordán Bruno Genta, theologians like Jordán de Sajonia or naturalists like Jordán de Asso. But we know more the surname in men like the legendary basketball player of the NBA, Michael Jordan or the famous Italian baroque painter, Luca Giordano, also known as Lucas Jordán.

But if something has made popular the name of your son is the Jordan River, which crosses Israel, Jordan and Palestine in its 360 km in length. Especially recognized by the Christian and Jewish tradition for being the place where Jesus Christ was baptized and the one that Moses crossed with his people on their journey to the promised land.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of