Day of Saint Eulalia, February 12. Names for girls

Eulalia is a name for girl of Greek origin that means "she who speaks well", in the sense of being eloquent and convincing. An ideal name for your girl that, without being the most frequent, stands out for its soft sonority, its delicacy and its elegance. It is, therefore, an original name that has

Eulalia is a name for girl of Greek origin that means "she who speaks well", in the sense of being eloquent and convincing. An ideal name for your girl that, without being the most frequent, stands out for its soft sonority, its delicacy and its elegance.

It is, therefore, an original name that has not lost the strength given by tradition. Celebrate your name day on February 12, which is the day of Santa Eulalia.

Curiosities about the name Eulalia

The name Eulalia implies an emotional and sensitive personality. Eulalia is full of sweetness and gives off a certain air of elegance and sophistication. Of dreamer character, it does not prevent him from facing the real problems with all the resolution and commitment of an effective person. Eulalia is also a great protector of her family and friends and does not shy away from taking responsibility in that regard.

The name of your daughter is used internationally, but it is more frequent in Spain because of the two Santas that bear the name: Santa Eulalia de Mérida and Santa Eulalia, patron saint of Barcelona. It is precisely in Catalonia where this name is more familiar, especially in its variant Laia. Another variation of Eulalia also well known and more frequent in recent years is Olaya.

The sensitive aspect of your daughter's name can be clearly seen in the creativity of women who carry the name Eulalia, such as the Barcelona pianist Eulalia Solé or the artist Eulalia Valldosera, recognized in the field of visual arts. Another famous artist who bears the name of your girl, in this case in one of its variants, is the actress Laia Marull.

History has also left us with a great personality named Eulalia, the rebel and known as "republican infanta" Eulalia de Borbón. This woman revolutionized the monarchical family by her free spirit, her multiple lovers and her adventures in Paris, all narrated in several books of her authorship and in her own memories.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Collaborator of