Saint Aventino's Day, February 4th. Names for children

Aventino is a name for a child of Latin origin with an uncertain meaning, although it is undoubtedly related to one of the seven hills of Rome, the so-called Monte Aventino. As it is not a frequent name at all it can be ideal for your child, since it has all the originality of a name little heard an

Aventino is a name for a child of Latin origin with an uncertain meaning, although it is undoubtedly related to one of the seven hills of Rome, the so-called Monte Aventino.

As it is not a frequent name at all it can be ideal for your child, since it has all the originality of a name little heard and all the strength of a long tradition. Celebrate your name day on February 4, which is the day of San Aventino.

Curiosities about the name Aventino

The name Aventino implies a strong personality but full of emotion and sensitivity. Aventino also has a reflective and mysterious point so he enjoys respect and admiration in all his social relationships. He is also an organized person with a great capacity for work. The search for harmony and family welfare is its main objective.

De San Aventino tells several curious stories located in the French mountain, as he lived alone in a hut when he was approached by a wounded bear and the saint healed him without taking any damage. It seems that the Muslims also captured the saint enclosing him in a tower, but he jumped into the void and descended gently to the ground where the footprint was engraved.

However, the name of your son is more linked to the foundation of Rome than to anything else. Aventino was one of the first kings of Alba Longa, a city neighboring Rome. This king Aventino is already mentioned by Virgilio in his "Eneida", presenting him as one of those legendary characters along with Romulo and the Sabines.

And it was precisely this king who gave name to one of the famous seven hills that surrounded ancient Rome, for being the place where he is buried. Mount Aventino, located on the Tiber River, was the scene of the struggles between patricians and plebeians and today is one of the most elegant residential areas of Rome.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Collaborator of