Sports psychomotricity exercises with balls and music for children

Child psychomotricity is based on being aware of the movement and trying to give importance to each of these movements so that children can explore, get excited and relate better to the world that surrounds them . Music contributes to further development in this process. Benefits of music in the psy

Child psychomotricity is based on being aware of the movement and trying to give importance to each of these movements so that children can explore, get excited and relate better to the world that surrounds them . Music contributes to further development in this process.

Benefits of music in the psychomotor development of the child

We as parents, educators and trainers, we must not forget the importance of music to strengthen all activities related to psychomotricity. When putting music to a certain action, mark an exact rhythmic pulsation or execute movements at a certain speed, the movement exercises are more specific and strengthen the motor and physical abilities of our children.

Children should think about doing these types of activities as a game. One of our favorites and the kids in the house is de Psychomotor with Saltarinas with Music balls.Bouncing balls with the children

1. With a bouncy ball, we place the little one on top of it.

2. The father or mother is placed behind the ball with the legs open, holding the child's trunk and making strength in the legs to avoid displacement.

3. We chose a rhythmic song to coordinate the movements. As the song or chosen theme develops, we mark a series of movements, according to the rhythm and the ball. For example:

- FAST MOVEMENTS: When listening to loud and intense music.

- SOFT AND SLOW MOVEMENTS: When listening to soft and slow sounds.

- LATERAL AND FRONTAL MOVEMENTS: Any musical theme has a transition moment where music gives way to other melodies. That moment in which the refrain is not found is the ideal moment to perform movements from one end to the other and forward and backward.

With these exercises you will discover that through play and such a playful element

as jumping balls , your little ones will perform an important motor exercise, they will overflow with joy and you will share a moment of energy explosion accompanying them in the best possible way, with music .Video of the children's psychomotricity exercise with jumping balls