The first few times of the baby

The baby lives in a continuous discovery . Everything is new to him and learning is constant. Every day something new happens and the baby's first year is full of many first times: his first 24 hours of life, his first bath, the first time he drinks breast milk, his first smile, the first steps, the

The baby lives in a continuous discovery. Everything is new to him and learning is constant. Every day something new happens and the baby's first year is full of many first times: his first 24 hours of life, his first bath, the first time he drinks breast milk, his first smile, the first steps, the first teeth , the first papillas ...

Perhaps never in our lives will we live as many new events as in childhood and, above all, in the first 12 months of life. For that reason, in we have decided to gather all those moments that happen only once in a lifetime because they suppose the first time. The first events in the baby's life From the moment the baby is born, different situations are born and parents can help them to overcome them successfully.

The first bath of the baby. Find out what care your baby should receive at bath time. Everything you need to know about the temperature of the water, how to put it in the bathtub and what products are the most recommended for hygiene. The first bath of the newborn.

The baby's first smile. We show you a tender video that shows the baby's first smile. Even before being born, the baby already smiles inside the maternal womb. Experts say it is a reflex to a sensation. When the baby is born, we wait impatiently for that first smile, and it does not take long to arrive.

The first baby clothes. What clothes are the first ones that are used when the baby is born. What does the pregnant woman have to take to the hospital when she is going to have the child? Advice on the sizes of baby clothes and care of clothes during the first months. How to wash the clothes of the newborn.

First cramps. What are the colic of the nursing baby? These are episodes of prolonged, sometimes inconsolable, crying that is repeated almost daily, especially in the afternoons and evenings.

The first toys of the baby. Babies do not need many toys at their fingertips, but they are appropriate for them, both because it helps stimulate them physically and sensoryly and because they are appropriate for their age.

First games with the baby. How to stimulate the baby in its first months of life. Games suitable for the baby in its first months. Songs, movements, games with the senses for the baby.

First papillas. The first baby food for the 6 month old baby. Questions and answers about the complementary feeding of the baby. How to make the first purees for the baby.

First fruit paps. Ideas for the elaboration of papillas for the baby. Recipes to prepare the first baby fruit porridge. Fruit smoothies for children. Healthy and complete fruit porridge for the baby.

The first contact with the sea. They will not remember it when they grow up, but the baby's first contact with the sea will be a magical moment. The water, the sand, the sound of the waves. Everything that involves the beach is a new wave of sensations for the baby.

The first steps of the baby. When the baby gives his first steps. The baby grows, already sits, gets up, turns, gets up and for a few weeks does not stop crawling and crawling in every corner of the house. The baby will soon walk by himself. It will take its first steps. When the baby's first steps occur

The first baby shoes. First baby shoes. When the baby begins to take its first steps is the time when we must buy your first pair of shoes. It is convenient not to buy the most beautiful, nor the cheapest and, of course, never to put those inherited from a brother or cousin.

The first words of the baby. How is the language development of the baby in its first months of birth? From birth, babies have only the gestures, some sounds and the plain to communicate and transmit their needs and emotions to the people around them.

The first loves of babies. The love of children for their toys. The first loves of children. Since babies are born, they need, in addition to love, protection, and the arms of their parents, something, an object, a toy ... that is always with them and that make them feel more secure.

First teeth of the baby. The teeth in babies. First teeth of children. Exit order of the teeth and discomfort due to the first teething in the babies. Fall of baby teeth in children.

First discomfort of teeth. The baby's first teeth represent a joy for the parents and a lot of discomfort for the little one. It is natural for your gums to swell, then break and become inflamed. Children's Guide com has put together some advice so that parents can alleviate the discomfort of your baby.