Tooth decay in children and babies

To heal the decay of milk teeth is essential to avoid causing damage to the final teeth. The dentist is the one who can best advise on the measures to be taken in each case. The intake of sweets, sweets or candies are not the only cause of the appearance of infantile cavities. Babies can also acquir

To heal the decay of milk teeth is essential to avoid causing damage to the final teeth. The dentist is the one who can best advise on the measures to be taken in each case.

The intake of sweets, sweets or candies are not the only cause of the appearance of infantile cavities. Babies can also acquire them before they even get their first baby teeth.

Caries in babies and children

Tooth decay in baby teeth should be matched as soon as possible to avoid damaging the final tooth. The temporary character of milk teeth should not postpone the healing of a caries.

Actually, it is almost more important to cure the caries of the milk tooth than the definitive one, if we take into account that the caries is formed by bacteria, which get inside the tooth, cross the root of the temporal and can affect the definitive .

Lactating babies can also suffer from this ailment. Bottle cavities are caused by the parents' habit of dipping the pacifier in honey or sugar or by leaving the baby with the bottle alone in the crib.

In the latter case, some are even asleep with the bottle in their mouths and the milk sugars are too long in contact with the teeth, giving rise to therampant caries, very aggressive caries, which affect the teeth temporary

It is better to prevent than to cure cavities. As a preventive measure, fluoridations can be performed every six months, especially in children who have a greater risk of decay or who have rampant caries.

Tooth decay in children's teeth

Is decay inherited? One of the questions that many of us ask ourselves is caries inherited? Although it seems that there are children with more genetic predisposition to develop tooth decay, experts insist that tooth decay is not inherited. What is inherited are bad dental habits.

Children prone to tooth decay ?. Not all children's mouths are the same. And even if hygiene guidelines and healthier eating are respected, there are children with teeth more prone to tooth decay. We explain what precautionary measures you should have in these cases to prevent the appearance of decay at an early age.

Children's saliva and cavities. Many young children develop cavities from very early ages. Caries appears for various reasons, although the main one is the type of food and hygiene. But, is there any relationship between the child's type of saliva and a possible 'predisposition' to develop caries?

The spread of caries. Caries is contagious. There are many infectious diseases that can be contagious. Do they get caries? We explain why teeth brushes should never be shared and why extreme hygiene is necessary when you have tooth decay. We tell you how caries is spread from one person to the other.

Infantile cavities. Gustavo Camañas, dentist, believes that healing the decay of milk teeth is essential to avoid causing damage to the final teeth and offers some advice to prevent tooth decay bottle.

Bottle caries. Caries in nursing babies. What is and how to prevent bottle-feeding syndrome? What can cause caries in babies. What is the caries of the infant?

How to know if the child has cavities. Caries in children. How to know if the child has dental caries How parents can know that their children suffer from tooth decay. Symptoms and signs that may indicate infant caries. What happens if dental caries is not treated in children. Dental caries in infants and young children is often referred to as early childhood tooth decay.

Foods that produce cavities. There are healthier foods for the teeth of children and others more harmful. Candies. sweets, chocolate or sugary sodas can cause caries if taken too much and does not take good dental hygiene.

Why cavities appear Are there children more likely to have tooth decay than others? The answer is yes: there are different factors that favor some teeth are more likely to develop tooth decay than others. The composition of the dentin, the child's own saliva or even if the children breathe through the mouth when they sleep, may be related.

The sealing of the teeth. Infant caries The definitive sealing of the teeth is a preventive measure against childhood caries. The dentist explains why molars should be sealed and from what age should be made.

Prevent cavities. How to prevent cavities in children and care for teeth to remain white and healthy. Beware of excessive sweets.