Most popular names for children in 2015 in Venezuela

It is not always easy to choose the baby's name because it is something that will accompany your child for life. That is why it is better to weigh all the options and calmly choose the name that best suits the child. For this, nothing better than looking at the trends in names . We know the trends i

It is not always easy to choose the baby's name because it is something that will accompany your child for life. That is why it is better to weigh all the options and calmly choose the name that best suits the child. For this, nothing better than looking at the trends in names.

We know the trends in names for children in Venezuela for this 2015. They are traditional names, full of charm and that are rescued with a very modern touch. These are the most popular names for children in Venezuela.

Most popular names for boy in Venezuela for 2015

1. Alejandro. The name has a Greek origin and a meaning of 'he who protects men'. It ruins the lists of frequent names throughout the world because it gives off strength and charisma.

2. Diego. It is a name of Hebrew origin meaning 'held by the heel'. It is a variant of Jacobo that is completely updated and with a distinguished air that is hard to resist.

3. Gabriel. This name is of Hebrew origin and means 'the strength of God'. Although it belongs to the biblical tradition, it has not been worn out by use and comes with all the force and originality.

4. Samuel. It is a name of Hebrew origin with a meaning of 'the one that God hears'. It is a traditional and familiar name and it is kept in the lists of popular names for the serenity and confidence that it transmits.

5. Santiago. The name has a Hebrew origin and a meaning of 'God will reward'. It is one of those names that maintain its unalterable popularity, oblivious to fashions and trends because of the personality it transmits.

6. Andrés. It is a name of Greek origin meaning 'brave man'. It reappears strongly in the list of frequent names for its eloquence in meaning and because it is a safe bet for any child.

7. José. The name is of Hebrew origin and means 'abundance'. It is one of the most frequent names for children all over the world, of those to whom the long tradition does nothing but give more strength.

8. July. This name is of Latin origin and its meaning refers to the familia 'Julia family' , one of the founding families of Rome. The name pleases because it is loaded with dignity and nobility and never loses its personality.9. Victor.

It is a name of Latin origin that has a meaning related to 'triumph' . It sounds elegant and distinguished and also has the charm of those names that have not been worn out by use.10. Antonio.

The name has an Etruscan origin and a meaning of 'who faces his adversaries' . It is a traditional name but with enormous strength and also remains surrounded by mystery and charisma.Laura Vélez.

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