The advantages of having siblings

"According to an Indian proverb" There is no friend like a brother, and no enemy like a brother. " The arrival of a brother should not mean that everything will be jealousy, envy or rivalry, quite the opposite. There are many advantages to having siblings Tener Having a sibling means having a friend

"According to an Indian proverb"There is no friend like a brother, and no enemy like a brother. "

The arrival of a brother should not mean that everything will be jealousy, envy or rivalry, quite the opposite. There are many advantages to having siblings Tener Having a sibling means having a friend to play with, a confidante, an accomplice, someone with whom to learn to share or respect turns. The brother arrivesHaving a brother

should not mean the loss of benefits

but the gain of affection, friendship, laughter and shared games, among many other things.To have siblings for any child or adult means not being alone with the challenges of life, having company in difficult times and someone to lean on. While it is true that jealousy undoubtedly appears at any time to be natural, universal and totally n Ormales, this does not mean that having a brother or more than one supposes losing the attention and affection of the parents. On the contrary, having a sibling allows the children to deploy a whole series of emotional and social competences that will benefit them

throughout their life trajectory. The advantages of having a sibling The advantages of having a sibling for a child, whether it is the older child, the middle child or the younger child, are multiple: Tener 1. Having a sibling represents

learning to share early

, not only toys but also Attention and love, means

learning universal values ​​ of respect, cooperation and collaboration. Tener 2. Having siblings also allows children, and this is another advantage,learning to be teachers, feeling good about themselves for being a role model. For example, allow them to teach by example to go to the bathroom alone, to dress, to be more independent and autonomous. The little brothers are excellent students who learn by imitation

and we see how they try to be like their big brother whom they admire and respect. Las 3. The advantages of having brothers (having a playmate, laughing, an accomplice in mischief, a confidant of those super secret secrets, an exemplary teacher, ...) will not prevent conflicts between them, but even these can be a source of learning. 4. Children with siblings learn early to resolve the conflicts that arise in everyday life, they learn to negotiate , to give in, to postpone their needs in favor of those of others and therefore to be more generous and empathetic by being able to put yourself in the other's shoes and understand what you need. Algunos 5. Some studies have shown this and in their data they indicate that children with siblings are easier to make friends, to help others, to be less selfish and more empathetic.

But we must bear in mind that in order to achieve all this, the help of parents involved in the education of their children is fundamental, and we ought to favor cooperation and collaboration, not competitiveness and sibling rivalry
