Most popular girl names for 2015 in Peru

It is not always easy to choose the baby's name, as it can greatly influence your personality. While some parents do not take chances and choose a traditional name , others prefer to get carried away by trends in names. But they always look for that special name for their girl. We know the trends in

It is not always easy to choose the baby's name, as it can greatly influence your personality. While some parents do not take chances and choose a traditional name, others prefer to get carried away by trends in names. But they always look for that special name for their girl.

We know the trends in names for girls that will be born in 2015 in Peru. They are beautiful and seductive names that look in the tradition to renew those names of always presenting them more original and updated. These are the most popular names for girls in Peru.

Most popular names for girl in Peru for 2015

1. Elizabeth. The name is of Hebrew origin and means 'promise of God'. It is the English variant of the classic Isabel that wins in modernity and is more sophisticated. All a success for your girl.

2. Rosa. It is a name of Latin origin with an obvious meaning that refers to 'the flower'. Despite being a traditional name, it has not lost any charm or freshness, as it is full of personality.

3. Carmen. This name has a Latin origin and a meaning of 'canto'. Once again we are facing one of those traditional names with such strength that they remain frequent names that are alien to fashions and trends.

4. María. It is a name of Hebrew origin that has a meaning of 'beloved of God'. It is the name for girl by antonomasia, the most frequent in the whole world, that can appear alone or forming the most varied compound names.

5. Patricia. This name is of Latin origin and its meaning is related to 'nobility'. Its popularity has undergone changes throughout history and nowadays it is positioned as a modern, original name with a lot of personality.

6. Daniela. The name has a Hebrew origin and a meaning of 'justice of God'. It is one of the most beautiful names for girls that sweeps in the lists of frequent names. It is totally modern and has a very seductive air.

7. Adriana. It is a name of Latin origin with a meaning related to 'sea'. In recent years is gaining popularity because it is one of the most attractive names, very capable of reinforcing the personality of your girl.

8. Light. This name of Latin origin finds its meaning in the 'luminosity'. It has the charm of short and forceful names as well as being guaranteed by the weight of tradition.

9. Pilar. The name is of Latin origin and means la 'the one who holds his own' . It is one of those traditional names that can not be moved in the lists of frequent names and can appear either alone or forming compound names.10. Paula.

It is a name of Latin origin meaning 'small' . It owes its popularity to the fact that it has managed to maintain its originality over time. It is also a strong name with a lot of charisma.Laura Vélez.

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