The tears of the dragon. Tale of peace for children

Far away, far away, in the deep cave of a strange country, lived a dragon whose eyes sparkled like hot smuts. The people around were frightened and everyone expected someone to be able to kill him. The mothers trembled when they heard about him, and the children cried in silence for fear that the dr

Far away, far away, in the deep cave of a strange country, lived a dragon whose eyes sparkled like hot smuts. The people around were frightened and everyone expected someone to be able to kill him. The mothers trembled when they heard about him, and the children cried in silence for fear that the dragon would hear them.

But there was a child who was not afraid:

The guests at the child's birthday party

- Taró, whom should I invite to your birthday party?

- Mom, I want you to invite the dragon. ¿- Are you kidding? - said the mother.

- No, I want you to invite the dragon, - the boy repeated.

The mother shook her head. What strange ideas your child had! It was not possible!

But on the day of his

Birthday , Taró disappeared from home. He walked through the mountains, crossing torrents and forests, until he reached the mountain where the dragon lived.- Lord dragon! Lord dragon! "He shouted in a vibrant voice.

- What's wrong? Who calls me? - the dragon thought, sticking his head out of his huge cavern.

- Today is my Birthday and my mother will prepare a lot of sweets, "the boy cried. I have come to invite you.

The dragon could not believe what he was hearing and looked at the boy growling in a cavernous voice. But Taró was not afraid and continued to scream:

- Lord dragon! Are you coming to my birthday party?

When the dragon understood that the child was serious, he was moved and began to think:

- Everyone hates me and fears me. Nobody has ever invited me to a birthday party. Nobody loves Me. How good this child is!

And as I thought this, tears began to fall from his eyes. First a few, then many and many that became a river that descended through the valley. Ven - Come, mount on my rump - said the dragon sobbing - I will take you to your house.

The boy saw the dragon come out of the burrow. It was a beautiful reptile, with subtle red scales, sinuous as a snake, but with very sturdy legs.

Taró rode on the back of the ferocious animal and the dragon began to swim in the river of his tears. And while swimming, by a strange magic, the body of the animal changed shape and measure and the boy came happily to his house, driving a boat with very nice ornaments and dragon form.