Most popular names for children in 2015 in Honduras

There is a lot of thinking about the decision and there is not always an agreement on choosing the name of the baby. While some prefer traditional names , others look for a more original name that reinforces their child's personality. There are tastes for everyone. But both are not alien to the tren

There is a lot of thinking about the decision and there is not always an agreement on choosing the name of the baby. While some prefer traditional names, others look for a more original name that reinforces their child's personality. There are tastes for everyone.

But both are not alien to the trends in names for children. And the families of Honduras are choosing traditional names but they present a certain renewed air. These are the most popular names for children for 2015 in Honduras.

Most popular names for boy in Honduras for 2015

1. Hugo. The name is of Germanic origin and means 'intelligent'. It is a simple name but it gives off a great strength, that's why it is becoming one of the essentials in the lists of frequent names.

2. Daniel. It is a name of Hebrew origin that means 'justice of God'. The name conveys serenity and is full of charm, which is why it is gaining popularity in recent years.

3. Pablo. This name has a Latin origin and means 'small'. It is a name that triumphs for its simplicity and because it is backed by the weight of tradition. It has a special strength that keeps you cool and modern.

4. Carlos Roberto. It is a compound name of Germanic origin where Carlos means 'strong man' and Roberto 'illustrious'. It is one of the most elegant and strong combinations that remains alien to fashions and trends.

5. Adrián. The name has a Latin origin and a meaning of 'the one that comes from the sea'. It is one of the most fashionable names for that distinguished touch it presents and because it is very attractive.

6. Víctor Manuel. Victor's Latin origin, which means 'triumphant', is joined by the Hebrew origin of Manuel, which means 'God accompanies us', to form one of the most distinguished names for children.

7. Mario. This name is of Latin origin and its meaning is related to 'war', since it comes from the Roman god Mars. In recent years is gaining great popularity becoming a safe bet for your child.

8. Lucas. The name is of Latin origin and its meaning is 'bright'. Although it comes from the biblical tradition and we know it since ancient times, it is one of those names that know how to reinvent each generation.

9. Diego. It is a name of Hebrew origin variant of Jacobo, so its meaning is 'held by the heel'. The name appeals because it is inevitable to relate it to distinction, nobility and elegance.

10.Nicolas. This name is of Greek origin and means 'victory of the people'. It is gaining popularity because it has an irresistible family air and also inspires great confidence.

Laura Vélez. Editor of