Most popular names for children in 2015 in Bolivia

It is not always easy to choose the name of the baby because of the large number of options that exist. While some choose to follow the family tradition in names for children , others prefer to innovate and look for a more modern name for their baby. We know the trend in Bolivia for children's names

It is not always easy to choose the name of the baby because of the large number of options that exist. While some choose to follow the family tradition in names for children, others prefer to innovate and look for a more modern name for their baby.

We know the trend in Bolivia for children's names in 2015 and the most popular names conjugate the tradition with the present, choosing names of always but with a renewed air. These are the most popular children's names in Bolivia for 2015.

Most popular names of children in Bolivia for 2015

1. Juan Carlos. The Hebrew origin of John joins the Germanic origin of Carlos, which means 'strong man', to form one of the most popular composite names in the Hispanic world. Its strength is such that it never goes out of style.

2. Hugo. It is a name of Germanic origin with a meaning related to 'intelligence'. Despite being known since ancient times, the name has not been used much until now, which is placed on the list of frequent names in many countries.

3. Antonio. The name has an Etruscan origin and a meaning of 'the one who faces his enemies'. It is one of the most frequent names in the world and its popularity never decreases because of that air of dignity it contains.

4. Miguel Ángel. Michael's Hebrew origin is joined by the Greek origin of Angel, which means 'messenger', in one of the most evocative names for children. It is a charismatic name with all the strength of the Renaissance artist.

5. Pablo. This name is of Latin origin and means 'small'. It is one of the names that are gaining more strength in recent years because it is modern, sophisticated and brings a great personality.

6. David. It is a name that has a Hebrew origin and a meaning of 'he who is loved'. Although it is a traditional name, it has not been worn out by use and this year it is once again on the list of most popular names for children.

7. Mario. The name is of Latin origin and its meaning is related to 'war', since it comes from the Roman god Mars. It is a name that comes with strength for this year because it is elegant and with a very original touch.

8. Fernando. This name has a Germanic origin and means 'daring'. It is a name with a long tradition that keeps its strength intact, that's why we find it almost always in the lists of frequent names.

9. José Manuel. In this compound name of Hebrew origin the meaning of 'abundance' of Joseph is combined with the meaning of 'God accompanies us' of Manuel. It is a traditional name with a great personality that never goes out of style.

10. Victor. It's name is of Latin origin and its meaning speaks of 'triumph'. It is one of the most eloquent names and with that special charisma that keeps it original and fresh at all times.