Breast pain during pregnancy

Breast sensitivity and enlargement of the breast is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Breast pain begins to occur from the first days after fertilization and usually lasts throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. The breasts begin to prepare to feed the baby and this process can be annoyin

Breast sensitivity and enlargement of the breast is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Breast pain begins to occur from the first days after fertilization and usually lasts throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. The breasts begin to prepare to feed the baby and this process can be annoying.

Changes in the breast during pregnancy

Swelling and pain in the breast is due to the breast begins to prepare from the first weeks of pregnancy for breastfeeding. During pregnancy increases the production of estrogen and progesterone, and this causes greater blood flow in the body and therefore promotes changes in breast tissues.

Another sensation that can occur in the breast during pregnancy is tingling, since the skin is giving by increasing the volume of the breasts. It is very important that you hydrate your breasts well every day to prevent the dreaded stretch marks from appearing.

The veins of the chest are seen with much more intensity, a series of bluish veins will be more visible and the nipples become darker. In the areolas you could also see some bulky dots, are the glands of Montgomery, and produce a substance that hydrates the nipples and protects them in lactation of possible infections.

Approximately in the third month of pregnancy, some women produce a yellow liquid called colostrum, a very nutritious substance that will be the baby's main food until the milk rises.

How to relieve breast pain in pregnancy

Pain or tenderness in the chest occurs mainly in the first trimester of pregnancy, however, although nothing can be done to completely eliminate breast discomfort, there are little tricks that help:

-Use a bra without hoops, with wide straps and cotton fabric.

-Many women feel more comfortable sleeping with a bra during pregnancy.

- Increase the bra size to adapt it to your new contour.

-To alleviate the sensation of pain and swelling, you can take showers of warm water or apply cold compresses in the area.