Most popular names for children in 2015 in Argentina

When choosing the baby's name, parents can be influenced by multiple factors, from family tradition to the ideas of friends. But who else and who least follows a little the trends in names. We know what the most popular names for children in Argentina will be in 2015. Take note of the tendency in na

When choosing the baby's name, parents can be influenced by multiple factors, from family tradition to the ideas of friends. But who else and who least follows a little the trends in names.

We know what the most popular names for children in Argentina will be in 2015. Take note of the tendency in names for babies to choose a nice and current name. These are the most popular names for children in Argentina.

Most popular names for boy in Argentina for 2015

1. Lucas. The name is of Latin origin and means 'bright'. It is a traditional name that has been revitalized for some years and that is presented with a novel and modern touch in its Luca variant.

2. Juan Manuel. This compound name is of Hebrew origin and combines the meaning of John, which is 'the compassionate' with that of Manuel, which is 'God accompanies us'. It is one of the most frequent names for children in all of Latin America.

3. Santino. The name is of Latin origin and has a meaning related to 'the saints'. It is a traditional name but little used until now that is gaining popularity for its character and originality.

4. Matías. It is a name of Hebrew origin meaning 'gift of God'. Although it is a name that we know from the biblical stories, every so often it becomes fashionable again completely renewed.

5. Luis Alberto. This name composed of Germanic origin combines the meaning of Luis, who is 'illustrious warrior', with that of Alberto, who is el 'the one who stands out for his nobility' . It is one of the most attractive compound names for any child.6. Miguel Ángel.

Michael's Hebrew origin is joined by the Greek origin of Angel, which means 'messenger' in one of the most frequent names in the world and that never goes out of style. 7. Nicolás.

It is a name of Greek origin that means 'the victory of the people' . Although it has been known since ancient times, it has not been widely used until now, so it maintains an original and distinguished touch.8. Ian.

This name is of Scottish origin and actually it is a variant of the classic Juan . It is gaining great popularity in recent years because it sounds modern and charming.9. Jorge.

The name is of Greek origin and its meaning is related to 'the earth' . It is a traditional name that stands out for its simplicity, but also for that force that keeps it current at all times outside the fashions.10. Juan Pablo.

The Hebrew origin of Juan is combined with the Latin origin of Pablo, which means 'small' , in one of the most emblematic compound names. Both names are very frequent also separately.Laura Vélez

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