Most popular girl names for 2015 in Colombia

Some parents have their doubts when choosing the baby's name. Some people prefer to follow the family tradition in names for girls , but most are influenced by current trends. In Colombia the most popular names for girls in 2015 will be traditional names with a renewed touch. Colombian parents rescu

Some parents have their doubts when choosing the baby's name. Some people prefer to follow the family tradition in names for girls, but most are influenced by current trends.

In Colombia the most popular names for girls in 2015 will be traditional names with a renewed touch. Colombian parents rescue the usual names to update them and make them fashionable. This is the list of popular names for girls in Colombia for the year 2015.

Most popular names in Colombia for 2015

1. Valentina. The name is of Latin origin and means 'the one that has strength'. All a declaration of intentions for your girl with this name that is one of the most attractive and seductive.

2. Paula Andrea. Paula's Latin origin is joined by the Greek origin of Andrea, which means 'brave'. It is one of the most popular compound names in Colombia because of the personality it transmits.

3. Sofia. It is a name of Greek origin whose meaning is related to 'wisdom'. It belongs to that kind of beautiful and simple names that never go out of style and convey a great personality.

4. Mariana. This name is of Latin origin and has a meaning relative to the 'Virgin Mary'. Colombian families have rescued it from tradition to return it to the present completely renewed.

5. Ana María. This compound and traditional name has a Hebrew origin. The omnipresent Mary is joined by the meaning 'full of grace' of Anne forming one of the most charming names for girls.

6. Sandra Milena. The Greek origin of Sandra is combined with the Russian origin of Milena, which means 'glory'. It is one of the most popular names for girls in Colombia because of that delicate and distinguished air it has.

7. Carolina. It is a name of Germanic origin with a meaning that speaks of 'courage'. We like it because it is one of those traditional names that have not been worn out by use.

8. Natalia. The name is of Latin origin and has a meaning related to 'birth'. It is a very Christmas name that has a special strength and transmits personality.

9. María Alejandra. The Hebrew origin of Mary is joined by the Greek origin of Alejandra, which means la 'the one that protects men' . Both names work very well separately and together they form one of the most charming combinations.10. Isabella.

With a possible Hebrew origin and a meaning of 'promise of God' , this variant of Isabel is one of the favorite names of many Colombian families. It is not strange, because the name gives off charm and sophistication.Laura Vélez

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