The reason for the children. Why insects

Between 3 and 4 years of age, children begin to ask a lot of curious questions. And not only that, but they search insistently for answers to their many doubts, what parents call the stage of why . This usually coincides with their entry into the school, and that is that the stimulation they receive

Between 3 and 4 years of age, children begin to ask a lot of curious questions. And not only that, but they search insistently for answers to their many doubts, what parents callthe stage of why. This usually coincides with their entry into the school, and that is that the stimulation they receive from the teachers causes their curiosity to increase considerably.

Sometimes, these questions posed by children embarrass parents, since it is very difficult to give a correct answer if you do not know the subject well. That's why, inGuiainfantilwe suggest you a series of why related to insects, in this way you will know how to respond to your children when they are curious.

The whys of children about insects

Here we have some of the doubts children have about insects. Do you know the answer?

1. Why are insects attracted to light?Insects fly towards the light because for them it makes more sense than flying towards darkness. Let's say that light is a kind of GPS for insects and indicates which direction they have to fly. However, if they approach a luminescent light they end up disorienting and flying in the form of circles.2. Why do the ants walk in a row?

During the summer it is very common to see ant trails in the countryside. This type of insects collect remains of dead plants and animals. But sometimes, these food remains are far from the anthills, that's why they recruit other ants and during the road they leave chemical traces on the ground that they use to orient themselves and remember the way home.

3. Why do insects comb their antennae? If we observe some insects, it catches our attention as they begin to comb their antennae with their front legs. This coquettish action serves to remove dirt and excess fat

that prevents them from communicating. And is that insects communicate through them.

4. Why do mosquitoes bite? With the arrival of heat, uncomfortable nocturnal visits of mosquitoes become common. The bites of the mosquitoes are carried out only by the females, and they do it for the laying of eggs, since it must feed on mammalian blood

to be able to provide proteins necessary for the eggs to be fertile.

5. Why are insects so small? The size of the animals has a close relationship with their respiratory capacity. Large animals have active mechanisms to enter the oxygens but insects have a series of channels through which it is diffused passively. Being small, the little oxygen that has the atmosphere now enters well into your body, but if they were larger they would have difficulty breathing

. In other times such as prehistory, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere was higher, so the insects reached a larger size.