Names for the most popular children for 2015 in Mexico

When choosing the baby's name, parents can be influenced from many different areas. Some people allow themselves to be advised by their grandparents to put a name that continues the family tradition, while others prefer to follow the current trends in names. We already know what the most popular nam

When choosing the baby's name, parents can be influenced from many different areas. Some people allow themselves to be advised by their grandparents to put a name that continues the family tradition, while others prefer to follow the current trends in names. We already know what the most popular names will be for 2015 in Mexico. We have a list with the names of children that will be trend, all of them traditional names but with a renewed touch. These are thenames for boy

most fashionable in Mexico. Most popular names in Mexico for children in 2015 1. Alejandro.

This name of Greek origin meaning

'he who protects men' is one of the classics in names for children all over the world. Its strength is immense, since its use does not detract from its charisma. 2. Eduardo. The name is of Germanic origin and means

'guardian of wealth' . It is a traditional name with a distinguished air that we love for any child. And it is also a name that never goes out of style. 3. Miguel Ángel.Michael's Hebrew origin is joined by the Greek origin of Angel, which means

'messenger' . This compound name is always maintained in the lists of frequent names throughout the Spanish-American sphere. 4. Diego.It is a name of Hebrew origin meaning

'held by the heel' . Actually it is a variant of Jacob, but in this version he wins in actuality. It is also one of the most attractive names for children. 5. Jorge.This name is of Greek origin and has a meaning relative to

'the earth' . Despite being a name that has always been used, it has not lost any freshness and is fresh and current. 6. Francisco Javier.The Germanic origin of Francisco, which means

'free man' , joins the Basque origin of Javier to form one of the most emblematic names for children with more personality. 7. Rodrigo.It is a name of Germanic origin meaning

'the one who brings the glory' . As one of the most typical medieval names, it is currently revitalized with an aura of distinction difficult to match. 8. Sebastian.The name has a Greek origin and a meaning that speaks of

'respect' . We like it because it is a powerful name that reaches our days supported by the weight of tradition. One of the safest bets for children. 9. Leonardo.This name is of Germanic origin and its meaning refers to

'the strength of the lion' . Despite its Renaissance character, today it is more fashionable than ever especially in its diminutive Leo. 10. Mateo.It is a name of Hebrew origin that means

'gift of God' . Clearly belongs to those biblical names that never go out of style and have not been worn out by use. Laura Velez. Editor of