Most popular girl names for 2015 in Mexico

It is not always easy to choose the most appropriate name for the baby, so all ideas are well received by parents. Some parents look for the rarest and most original names for their girl, while others prefer the traditional names . However, almost nobody can escape fashions. Trends in Mexico in name

It is not always easy to choose the most appropriate name for the baby, so all ideas are well received by parents. Some parents look for the rarest and most original names for their girl, while others prefer the traditional names. However, almost nobody can escape fashions.

Trends in Mexico in names for girls in 2015 bet on names with traditional flavor, in a certain way revitalized and rescued from other times. The renewed tradition is what we find in the most popular girl names in Mexico for 2015.

Girl names for 2015 in Mexico

1. Ximena. This medieval name has an uncertain origin and meaning, although the majority point to a Hebrew origin and a meaning of la 'the one who listens' . The classic Jimena is revitalized just by changing the first letter Ximena.2. Valeria.

The name is of Latin origin and means 'strong' . We are before one of the most attractive names for children and that it sweeps in the lists of frequent names in Mexico and in other parts of the world.3. Gabriela.

It is a name of Hebrew origin that means 'the strength of God' . Although it is much more frequent in its masculine version, this name in feminine is gained popularity like one of those names of always that they return totally renewed.4. María Fernanda.

The Hebrew origin of Mary is joined by the Germanic origin of Fernanda, which means 'willful' . It is a very traditional name that has never gone out of style in Mexico thanks to those families who like to keep the same names.5. Valentina.

The name is of Latin origin and has a meaning relative to 'the strength' . It is one of the emblematic names for girls with distinguished and very seductive air. Its frequency has varied throughout history, but at present it is one of the fashionable names.6. Sofia.

It is a name of Greek origin that means 'wisdom' . It is also one of those names that they like for their simplicity and for the beauty of their meaning. The name inspires calm, balance and confidence.7. Daniela.

This name has a Hebrew origin and a meaning of 'justice of God' . It stands out for the sweetness it transmits, which makes it perfect for your little girl and is also one of the most popular names for a while.8. Guadalupe.

The name has an Arabic origin and means 'river of black stones' . Its popularity in Mexico is due to the Virgin that bears this name and its strength remains intact throughout generations.9. Renata.

It is a name of Latin origin meaning 'born again' . It has a marked traditional flavor but nowadays it is completely renovated. That's why it's one of the safest bets on girl names for next year.10. Victory.

The name has a Latin origin and an obvious meaning of 'triumph' . For those people who firmly believe that the name determines the personality, it is the perfect name to guarantee the happiness and success of a girl.Laura Vélez. Editor of