How proud children are

I have always thought that pride is not bad as long as it is properly controlled, when it is poorly managed ... it stifles emotions. The proud child, like any adult with pride, will be a person who has exceso an excess of 'confidence' in himself tanto, both in what he does, in what he says ... every

I have always thought that pride is not bad as long as it is properly controlled, when it is poorly managed ... it stifles emotions.

The proud child, like any adult with pride, will be a person who has exceso an excess of 'confidence' in himself tanto, both in what he does, in what he says ... everything is perfect. This pride will not allow us to see that sometimes mistakes are made and that they must be accepted and recognized in order to be able to move forward emotionally healthy. Characteristics of the proud childThey have a hard time forgiving

because they believe that it is always others who have to give their arm to ask for forgiveness because they consider themselves perfect. In most cases, children (and adults) with excessive pride tend to hide a weaker part of themselves, such as insecurity or low self-esteem, which is why they tend to use pride to defend themselves against possible external attacks, as a shell, attacks that in most cases are only in their perception.

They like to show their achievements to others so that others do not see their weaknesses because the weaknesses for them are a gateway to their inner fragility. In a way, pride is used to hide the feeling of inferiority but above all not to recognize one's mistakes and the consequences of these acts. Children are not born being proud The proud child is not born being proud, in most cases

he learns behavior at home , in the family nucleus. The proud child realizes that accepting mistakes and consequences is not an easy task and that it is more comfortable (but not productive) to use pride to mask all those negative feelings that do not make him feel good (low self-esteem, insecurity, lack of trust, etc.) and use the low tolerance to frustration to manage the environment (although who suffers the most is the little one). Pride, vanity and arrogance go hand in hand

When a child experiences a badly managed pride it is because ultimately what he wants inside is recognition by others. A recognition that needs almost like breathing to not face their weaknesses, their shortcomings and all the insecurity that does not leave you alone.

For this reason it is so important to work pride first on the parents so as not to transmit negative behaviors to the children, since the children are sponges of behavior of their favorite models: the parents. These behaviors will be corrected by healing low self-esteem and insecurities. Afterwards it will be essential that the children are able tomanage their pride in a correct way

working with them as well as their self-esteem, responsibilities, small achievements and also small failures.