Infant encoressis or involuntary defecation

Infant encephalopathy or involuntary defecation, despite being more unknown than enuresis or urinary incontinence, is a disease that, although it can be a cause of a digestive problem, is usually related to emotional problems . It is an uncommon disease that affects children more than girls older th

Infant encephalopathy or involuntary defecation, despite being more unknown than enuresis or urinary incontinence, is a disease that, although it can be a cause of a digestive problem, is usually related to emotional problems .

It is an uncommon disease that affects children more than girls older than 4 years and consists of fecal incontinence, something that can be caused on purpose by the child or not.

Causes of infantile encopresis

Children who suffer from fecal incontinence are usually children with a stomach transit that is close to constipation. The poop collects in the colon creating a retention of feces through which other liquid feces pass, which are those that evacuate spontaneously and without control, something that can occur both day and night.

The problem can have various origins such as the child not having received a proper toilet training or having started too early to educate him about toilet training, but in most cases the problem is caused by emotional or behavioral disorders. conduct.

Symptoms of infantile encopresis

Not being able to hold the poop until you get to the bathroom, having constipation or the evacuation of many stools in a single stool are two of the most physical symptoms, but you must also take into account if the child keeps her involuntary bowel movements in secret in inappropriate places like underwear.

Treatment of infantile encopresis

The best treatment for the problem of fecal incontinence in children is understanding, since punishing the child for it will only lead to making the problem bigger. In addition, care must be taken to create a routine and, through food or medication, prevent constipation. Laxatives, stool softeners, high-fiber diet or take liquid petrolatum, are physical treatment that can help control the problem, but if this were not enough you should go to a doctor specializing in stomach problems to find the best solution in the particular case of our son.

In addition you should also consider going to a child psychologist to prevent feelings of guilt and shame in the child, as well as low self-esteem.

Diego Fernández. Editor of