Pride and children

Pride is caught in the hand of pride and self-love and as with anything in excess it can be harmful for anyone who suffers it, since in small doses denotes character and personality but in excess can be a big defect that reveals great shortcomings. But of course, how is pride, pride and self-esteem

Pride is caught in the hand of pride and self-love and as with anything in excess it can be harmful for anyone who suffers it, since in small doses denotes character and personality but in excess can be a big defect that reveals great shortcomings.

But of course, how is pride, pride and self-esteem distinguished if they are usually accompanied? How does it differ that a child has pride and not that he is a child with a well-established personality? So Haughtiness is a clear indicator of personal insecurity and lack of self-esteem .How a proud child is

A child with pride

will need to always feel superior to others and feel how others are less than him. They are also arrogant and proud children who like to brag about their achievements and who also have a hard time controlling their anger if someone is not able to flatter him about what he boasts. As if it were not enough, the child with arrogance wants to be loved but at the same time it costs him as much to offer his affection as to receive it, trying to pretend superiority because of the ego. The pride is like a balloon that starts to swell but where will come a time that can not swell more and explode showing how small it really feels.

A child with arrogance

will attack the weaker one because it will reflect his own deficiencies (which he wants to hide at all costs) and without realizing he will feel that he is against the weak but not because he has done anything, simply because he feels this way when he believes he is incapable . But at the same time a child with arrogance will need to be surrounded by subjects

to show daily how superior he is because he needs to be flattered, always on the defensive and causing fear and / or rejection in his peers. What is behind the pride of children Behind a child with pride there is niño a child with fear

. Fear of criticism, fear of not being the best, fear of being criticized by friends or parents. And how is that fear camouflaged? Appearing to be what is not to be able to feel above others when in reality the child with arrogance

only seeks recognition and affection but does not know how to express it in another way, a fondness that he longs but at the same time rejects.The inferiority complex and low self-esteem will make the child and pride go hand in hand for a long time trying to disguise it talking about the achievements, how well it does things, looking for the recognition and control of situations. So we can see that self-love occupies little space in pride when it is extreme since it would be self-love and pride in excess and poorly managed
