Legal adoption rules in Brazil

Many families decide to adopt a baby because they can not conceive children or simply because they want to contribute to guarantee the welfare of the most disadvantaged children. Any family knows that adoption processes are long and that each country imposes its legal adoption standards . In Brazil

Many families decide to adopt a baby because they can not conceive children or simply because they want to contribute to guarantee the welfare of the most disadvantaged children. Any family knows that adoption processes are long and that each country imposes its legal adoption standards.

In Brazil the body to go to start the adoption process is the State Judicial Adoption Commission (JSCA) which also encourages the international adoption of Brazilian children by families from anywhere in the world.

The adoption of a baby in Brazil

The legal requirements to adopt a baby in Brazil do not differ much from those of other Latin American countries, such as adoption in Mexico or Colombia, for example. On the other hand, the Brazilian laws present the particularity of favoring the adoption of children with disabilities streamlining the procedures and facilitating the whole process to the adoptive family.

The first steps to adopt a baby in Brazil go through gathering all the necessary documentation, from the birth certificates of the applicants, through the accreditation of their economic situation, to proof of their emotional suitability. With this procedure, what is obtained is the la 'habilitation award' and at that moment the adoption process can begin. Requirements for adopting a baby in Brazil

- Both families composed of

marriages with children and marriages without children can adopt. But also single people, widows or separated, with what is recognized the single-parent family. Al - By allowing adoption by a single person, at the same time opens the possibility that same-sex couples

can adopt a baby, provided that the applicant is a single person. Para - To be able to adopt a child in Brazil, it is necessary to have at least 21 years of age and there must be a difference with respect to the adopted child of

16 years . - A psychological reportof the adoptive family in order to guarantee the emotional stability of the child.

- A declaration of the material goods , as well as a certificate of employment so that the family can cover the basic needs of the adopted child. También - A certificate of

criminal record and a document proving the good health of the adoption applicant is also required, as in countries such as Spain, for example.- In the case of international adoptions, you must request a

Brazilian special adoption visa and remain in the country as long as the judge in charge of the adoption considers it necessary. Laura Vélez

. Editor of