The main problems in the mouth of the pregnant

There is a myth that if we believe it ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy, and that is that cada 'every pregnancy costs a tooth' . It must cost more than one, judging by the amount of total edentulous women there are, many more than women with 32 children, since there are 32 pieces that make up

There is a myth that if we believe it ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy, and that is that cada 'every pregnancy costs a tooth' . It must cost more than one, judging by the amount of total edentulous women there are, many more than women with 32 children, since there are 32 pieces that make up an adult dentition.A woman who arrives with a healthy mouth during pregnancy will keep her teeth intact. Because that woman has correct eating habits, proper hygiene and may also be more resistant to tooth decay. However, if it arrives with gingivitis, untreated caries, impasto in poor condition, wisdom teeth that give problems, discomfort, bleeding, etc.,

will be aggravated during pregnancy . But not because of pregnancy.Oral hygiene in the first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a physiological moment in the life of a woman in which

certain changes occur which can aggravate bad oral health, diagnosed or not previously .In the first trimester there may be nausea, which prevents a meticulous brushing especially of the last molars. In that case you have to go little by little, introducing the brush carefully, without touching the back of the tongue, and breathing deeply every time there is nausea.

Do not forget also that the use of dental floss is essential. If there is repeated vomiting

acid from the stomach can damage the enamel , especially on the back faces of the upper incisors. If this situation is maintained it is advisable to use toothpastes and fluorinated mouthwashes to prevent demineralization and hypersensitivity caused by acids. The recommendations to reduce nausea by eating 'often small amounts' are ideal for the appearance of caries, because bacteria will always have glucose available, which will be transformed into acids, to attack the enamel. If we constantly peck at least we must take the precaution that they are not sugary products or fermentable carbohydrates,and brush our mouths more frequently .Changes in pregnancy and teeth in the third trimester

In the third trimester there is usually an important appetite for sweet products. Again it is necessary to insist on reducing the number of intakes, the use of fluoride, and proper hygiene.

Most problematic for the fetus are gum problems. If we have gingivitis we must treat it, because if it gets worse it is shown that

is related to the possibility of suffering a premature birth or having a low birth weight .In the case of diagnosing any oral problem during pregnancy, it must be treated. It should not be postponed: the pathology will continue to progress and worsen. You have to observe the necessary precautions, of course, but you can not leave pathology untreated in a pregnant woman because the microbes that cause it are shown to cross the placenta and pose a risk to the mother and to the baby.

Ideally, then,

go to the dentist at least once a year . Thus, if you become pregnant you will be sure that you do not have any injury that could be aggravated during those months. And keep going to your reviews, including what should be done during pregnancy. There is no cause, therefore, that justifies losing any piece during pregnancy.