How to treat edema in pregnancy

The so-called physiological edema of pregnancy afecta, affects 80% of women. It becomes more noticeable mainly in the lower limbs and can range from an almost imperceptible increase to the height of the ankles to prevent the pregnant woman wearing her usual shoes. Sometimes it produces a lot of feel

The so-called physiological edema of pregnancy afecta, affects 80% of women. It becomes more noticeable mainly in the lower limbs and can range from an almost imperceptible increase to the height of the ankles to prevent the pregnant woman wearing her usual shoes. Sometimes it produces a lot of feeling of heaviness in the legs and difficulty walking normally.The edemas need to be watched, any sudden increase in size or the appearance on the face, the eyelids ... has to make us go to the emergency room, since it is sometimes related to hypertensive pathology of pregnancy such as preeclampsia. Six tips to relieve edema during pregnancy 1. In the normal pregnant despite the appearance of edema

it is not recommended to follow a low sodium diet la or taking diuretics, in fact, they are in most cases , contraindicated in pregnancy.

2. To relieve the edema, we should try not to stand for a long time without moving.

The activation of the lower limbs, through dorsiflexion, circular exercises and others, will help the best venous return and the relief of symptomatology. 3. If you have the opportunity, perform exercises in the pool

, since this means you will not only be able to do physical activity with a sensation of weight reduction. Water as a medium favors the drainage of the legs, by the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the submerged body. The aquatic work is fully recommended for any pregnancy without complications and is especially beneficial when you have these types of problems. 4. Rest with your legs slightly raised

, it will also help you. Not only when you go to bed but also when you sit during the day, try to raise your legs. 5.Avoid tight-fitting

style socks, knee-high stockings, cuffed or over-fitted pants. Instead, your midwife or gynecologist may recommend specific compression stockings if you consider it necessary. 6.A draining massage for pregnant

, cold contrast baths and heat in the legs ... can be of great help also, especially in summer, since the heat only aggravates the discomfort caused by the edema. Do not forget to check with your reference matron, any questions that may arise.