As if the noise could disturb. Stories for children

Through As if the noise could bother , the Argentine writer Gustavo Roldán nos, tells us that all, absolutely all animals live and die. That death, when it occurs in due time, was not a bad thing. That beautiful and moving story for children, begins with the news that an animal was about to die, and

ThroughAs if the noise could bother, the Argentine writer Gustavo Roldán nos, tells us that all, absolutely all animals live and die. That death, when it occurs in due time, was not a bad thing. That beautiful and moving story for children, begins with the news that an animal was about to die, and that the other animals had no reason to be scared or bothered. A story that speaks of death in a simple and subtle way, to children.When the child knows that someone is going to die

It was as if the wind had begun to bring the sorrows. And suddenly all the animals heard the news. They opened their eyes and mouth very wide, and remained with their mouths open, not knowing what to say.

There was nothing to say.

The clouds brought by the wind blocked the sun. And the wind was still, it stopped being wind and it was a murmur among the leaves, it stopped being a murmur and it was hardly a word that ran from mouth to mouth until it was lost in the distance. Now everyone knew: the old tatú was about to die.

That's why the animals surrounded him, taking care of him, but not knowing what to do. Es - Is that there is nothing to do - said the tattoo with a voice that could barely be heard -. Besides, it seems to me that it was time.

Many children and many grandchildren tattooed looked with a long sadness in their eyes.

- But, don tatú, it can not be! - said the louse - if only yesterday he told us all the things he did to the tiger.

- Do you remember the times you teased the fox?

-And of the adventures he had with don toad?

-And how he laughed with the lies of the toad!

Several quirquinchos, corzuelas and very small monkeys, who had not heard of death, looked without understanding.

- Hey, toad! - Said in a low voice a monkey -. What's wrong with don tatú? Why does my dad say he's going to die? Vamos - Come on, guys - said the toad -, let's go to the river, I'll tell you. Un And a lot of quirquinchos, corzuelas and little monkeys followed him to the river bank, so that the toad would tell them what death was like. And he told them that all animals live and die. That that always happened, and that death, when it arrives in due time, was not a bad thing.

- But don toad - asked a corzuela -, then we are not going to play more with don tatú?

- No. We're not going to play anymore.

- And he is not sad?

- Not at all. And do you know why?

- No, don toad, we do not know ...

- He's not sad because he played a lot, because he played all the games. That's why he leaves happy.

- Sure - said the louse -. How he played!

- But he will not fight with the tiger either!

- No, but he already fought as much as he could. He never let the tiger rest easy. That's also why he leaves happy.

- Right! said the louse. How he fought!

- And besides, he always loved. It is also very important to love a lot.

- He did have fun with his stories, don toad! said the iguana.

- As for not! If we invent more than one story together, and that's why he leaves happy, because he liked to have fun and had a lot of fun. "Right," said the louse. How fun!

- But we are going to be sad, don toad. Un - A little yes, but ... - the voice was in his throat and his eyes got wet to the toad -. Well, better let's say hello for the last time.

- What is happening that there is so much silence? - The tatú asked with that voice that could barely be heard -. I think I've run out of rope. Do you help me get into the cave?

A tear fell on the lice, which was on the head of the rhea, but it was so small that nobody noticed. The tattoo looked everywhere, then lowered its head, closed its eyes, and died. Many eyes got wet, many teeth were clenched, for many bodies a chill went by. Everyone felt that they were oppressed by a very large stone. Nobody said anything.

Without making noise, as if the noise could disturb, the animals went away.

The wind blew and blew, and began to take away the sorrows. He blew and blew, and the clouds opened for the sun to start painting the flowers. The wind made noise with the leaves of the trees and whistled among the dry grasses. ¿- Do you remember - said the toad - when he made the deal with the fox to plant corn?


Gustavo Roldan

was an Argentine writer. He graduated in Modern Literature from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba. He worked as a journalist and teacher, and devoted himself to writing, coordinating literary workshops for writing and reflection and directing collections of books for children. He also held workshops and meetings with children in schools and libraries throughout the country.