23 Weeks of pregnancy

You are in week 23 of pregnancy and you have just passed the middle of pregnancy. All the initial discomfort and discomfort you felt during the first trimester of pregnancy have passed. The twenty-third week of pregnancy is characterized as one of the best times of pregnancy . You feel energized and

You are in week 23 of pregnancy and you have just passed the middle of pregnancy. All the initial discomfort and discomfort you felt during the first trimester of pregnancy have passed. The twenty-third week of pregnancy is characterized asone of the best times of pregnancy.

You feel energized and still your abdomen is not big enough to make you feel uncomfortable or unable to rest properly. Enjoy the moment!

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

In week 23 of pregnancy, your abdomen has already exceeded the height of the navel, this may cause tenseness in the sides or the pubic area. If your pain is very intense, discuss it with your gynecologist. The stretch that the skin undergoes with the growth of the uterus can make you feel itchy, keep your gut very hydrated and try not to scratch yourself so as not to cause small wounds.

Try to protect your back throughout the day, do not carry an excessive weight and maintain good postural hygiene. Your back will suffer throughout the pregnancy, the spine is ahead and this could cause lumbago. Also, as the uterus increases, the internal organs move. In the twenty-third week of pregnancy, you might also notice that it is harder to breathe and you get fatigued right away, it is because the uterus pushes the lungs up and they have extra work since there is a greater demand for oxygen.When you are calm and you have gone to bed is the time when you will notice more clearly the movements of the baby inside your uterus. Your baby can hear the sounds that come from outside so you can take advantage of playing melodic or classical music.

Development and evolution of the baby in pregnancy Your baby is already 23 weeks old, measures about 28 centimeters andweighs around 550 grams

. Your skin looks wrinkled but in the next few weeks it will be smoother. The lanugo, that fine hair that covers his body is darkening and little by little hair is coming out on his head.

Regarding their organs: in week 23 of gestation, the brain follows its development and the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems are prepared to function outside the maternal womb.

The baby is very active at this stage of pregnancy, performs many movements when awakeand also alternates these exercises with periods of sleep. It is important that every day you are attentive to their movements, if one day you do not notice activity, go to consultation.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

Pregnant women usually need an iron supplement since the iron contributions in the diet are not always enough to cover the needs demanded by the body. If your blood test shows an iron deficiency or anemia, your gynecologist will prescribe a supplement. Occasionally, you will have to continue taking it during the quarantine. Iron supplements often cause constipation in many pregnant women, introduce foods rich in fiber

to prevent it and also prevent the onset of hemorrhoids.

During the pregnancy you will be very focused on taking care of your physical condition and thus favor the good development of the baby, however, you must not neglect the emotional state. Pregnancy is a situation of immense changes for women,

you may feel insecure, worried or distressed . For the proper development of pregnancy it is also important that you are calm and live this stage in a relaxed manner. It will help you share fears or feelings with your partner, dedicate some time of your day to

lie down quietly and listen to music or read, take deep breaths or resort to relaxation techniques. Take the opportunity to rest now from the twenty-third week of pregnancy to gain energy.Diet and diet for the pregnant woman

If you are a vegetarian, you should consult with your obstetrician so that she can give you dietary guidelines and have all the needs of your body and the developing baby covered. If you do not eat meat, you will need to obtain proteins from cheeses, legumes or nuts.

In the case of eating outside the home habitually, you can fall into the temptation or bad habit of feeding yourself on the basis of industrial bakery, precooked food, fast foods or snacks. You will have to replace these products with more nutritious ones.

You can have salads, as long as you make sure that the vegetables are well washed . The sandwiches of ham and cheese are not a bad option either, even grilled meat or chicken can be prepared in any restaurant and always remember to finish your meals with a piece of fruit.

Maintain the custom in week 23 of pregnancy to perform 5 meals a day. Again, if you spend a lot of time away from home, take a small bag to take something mid-morning and snack.

Dairy and fruit will always be nutritious and healthy food to make a small snack.Curiosities in week 23 of pregnancy

In the twenty-third week of pregnancy, you will have the sensation of being more clueless and forgetful. You are so concerned about the development of the baby and the evolution of your pregnancy that you focus less on other tasks. It is normal to live scenes like throwing away an unopened yogurt and put in the refrigerator the wrapper of a chocolate bar. The forgetfulness and forgetfulness are normal. Physical exercise is convenient throughout pregnancy, walking, swimming, practicing gymnastics for pregnant women will be beneficial for you. In addition, practicing yoga or pilates will help you combine physical exercise with relaxation techniques that will also promote your emotional health.