Why children are born with skin hemangiomas

Hemangiomas affect 8% of babies. Therefore, if your baby is born with a little spot on his face or appears shortly after birth, do not worry. As much as they tell you that it is a benign tumor and the word tumor scares you, it does not really endanger your baby's health. Cause of hemangiomas at birt

Hemangiomas affect 8% of babies. Therefore, if your baby is born with a little spot on his face or appears shortly after birth, do not worry. As much as they tell you that it is a benign tumor and the word tumor scares you, it does not really endanger your baby's health.

Cause of hemangiomas at birth in the baby

That your baby has been born with spots on the skin does not mean that he will have them throughout his life. It is probably a hemangioma que, which is nothing more than the abnormal growth of your baby's capillaries. Generally, hemangiomas disappear over time and do not pose a health problem unless they are located near the eyes, in which case their eye health should be protected.What most of us ask ourselves is why children are born with these hemangiomas.

The cause of the hemangiomas is not totally determined. But most theories point to a possible lack of oxygen in the placenta during the first months of gestation. Some people think that hemangiomas are the remains of placenta implanted in the baby's skin. Be that as it may, the important thing is that the hemangiomas are not serious . They are also not hereditary and are more common in girls. Premature children and babies who are born with little weight, are more likely to be born with a hemangioma that eventually disappear.

Types of hemangiomas in baby's skin There are three types of hemangiomas that can appear on your baby's skin:capillary hemangiomas

, which are red and are on the surface of the skin,

cavernous hemangiomas , which are blue and are found in the deepest layers of the skin, andmixed hemangiomas que, which present characteristics of both types. Many hemangiomas appear from the moment of birth, but many others arise during the baby's first life. The evolution of these spots or marks on the skin is very rapid at the beginning, then it stabilizes to disappear completely. The whole process can last about5 years , which is the age at which most children stop having hemangiomas.We should not worry too much about these hemangiomas, but pay close attention to their development and location. The types of hemangiomas that can present complications are those

multiple hemangiomas , the large ones, those near the eyes, those that are in some fold and those that ulcerate. But in general, if your baby's hemangioma is controlled by a pediatrician, in a few years it will have disappeared without a trace.Laura Vélez

. Editor of Guiainfantil.com