Music for sleeping babies

Music is a very useful and sometimes necessary resource for relaxation exercises in our little ones. Use according to which music at certain times of the day, facilitates the reconciliation of sleep, the well-being of the baby and children. Avoid continuous awakenings and nightmares. The ear is a fu

Music is a very useful and sometimes necessary resource for relaxation exercises in our little ones. Use according to which music at certain times of the day, facilitates the reconciliation of sleep, the well-being of the baby and children. Avoid continuous awakenings and nightmares.

The ear is a fundamental part in the memories of children's memory. Already from pregnancy all those musical pieces that the mother in the process of gestation listens to will serve to relax the baby.

How to use music to relax babies

It is important to associate a specific piece of music at the time of going to sleep. We must choose well between those musical pieces that have slow, smooth and regular melodies to produce that effect. Here are some examples: Canciones - Crahms Songs of Brahms

- Adagio of Albinoni

- Requiem of Mozart

- Aquarium of Carnival of Saent Saens animals

- For Elisa of Beethoven

- Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony

When a child she has difficulties of conciliation and it costs her to go to sleep, she needs a musical routine that helps her to relax

. It needs to always be the same melody to always identify the same rhythms and accompany their breathing when listening to the music. If a baby wakes up continuously, we must put back the music that we have related at the time of going to sleep. Always follow the same routine is essential for your total relaxation and sleep conciliation.The auditory memory is fundamental.

If we want to relax a baby who usually has nightmares, we will have to put soft and warm music so that they feel protected and safe. Sometimes we tend to think that being quiet relaxes babies, but in this case, the silence causes them great discomfort. Since the baby is in the womb, he already listens to the heartbeat of the mother

. Holding your baby close to the heart and listening to music at the same time reassures them because it gives them a greater sense of security and protection. Sleep and relaxation are essential in order to exert a positive effect on the rest of our children and thus strengthen their abilities in their daily routine.