30 Weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy week by week is entering its final stretch. You are in week 30 of pregnancy and only 10 weeks to reach your due date. Important changes continue to occur in the baby that grows inside you and in your body. The advantage of following the pregnancy week by week is that it allows you to take

Pregnancy week by week is entering its final stretch. You are in week 30 of pregnancy and only 10 weeks to reach your due date. Important changes continue to occur in the baby that grows inside you and in your body.

The advantage of following the pregnancy week by week is that it allows you to take better care of yourself in a timely manner. From the 30th week of pregnancy you should think about what you eat to avoid burning, gas and other abdominal discomforts and avoid the retention of liquids that can produce edema in the ankles, hands and face.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

Towards the 30th week of pregnancy, the uterus measures about 30 cm from the symphysis pubis (10 cm above the navel). The normal thing is that you have gained between 11 and 15 kilograms so far.

It is important that you reduce your salt intake, to avoid holding liquids and swelling your ankles, hands and face. Anyway, due to the alteration of the venous return, a slight swelling of the ankles is normal at the end of the day, especially in hot months or after many hours of standing.

In the week 30 of pregnancyyou will notice that the hip and pelvis begin to expand to leave more room for the baby that continues to grow. You will feel upset when the baby kicks you in the ribs and in the diaphragm, and matches your sitting position. Stand up to feel more relieved, the annoyance will pass by when the baby moves down.

Due to the pressure of the baby's head in the bladder you will feel an urgent need to urinate and more and more often. Sometimes spurts of urine can leak when laughing, sneezing or coughing. It is important that you begin to exercise the muscles of the pelvis, with the Kegel exercises, which will help you a lot towards the birth.

You should know that if everything goes smoothly, visits to the gynecologist until 36 weeks of pregnancy are made every 4-6 weeks.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

In week 30 of pregnancy, your child weighs about 1,350 grams and measures about 38 cm from head to toe. Your appearance begins to change, since from this week you will begin to erase wrinkles from the skin thanks to the storage of subcutaneous fat, also known as vernix caseosa. Thebonesare already developed, but they are still soft and flexible. To endow them with firmness, the baby begins to store iron, calcium and phosphorus.

In the digestive system, the liver, stomach and intestine gradually assume their functions. The baby can already differentiate between sweet and salty flavors. In the respiratory system, the number of respiratory bronchioles and alveoli continues to increase, but if something is characterized by week 30 of pregnancy it is due to the maturation of the baby's nervous system. With respect to your sense of hearing, the baby begins to hear better the low sounds, such as the maternal heartbeat. He has eyebrows, eyelashes and opens and closes his eyes. Still the diameter of its head is greater than that of its abdomen, for that reason the premature children usually have a disproportionate head in relation to the rest of the body. These diameters are usually reversed towards week 35 of pregnancy.

At the gynecologist's office you can listen to your baby's heartbeat. You will be surprised by its rapid pace, much higher than that of adults. The heart rate of a fetus ranges between 120 and 160 beats per minute, which means it doubles the heart rate of adults.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

Edemas can cause weakness, numbness, tingling and even carpal tunnel syndrome in the hands and are due to increased water retention in the tissues and a decrease in venous return due to the compression exerted by the uterus on the blood vessels.

To avoid edema, follow these recommendations: wear comfortable clothing that does not oppress; avoid the use of socks or stockings that produce local compression in the legs; do not wear rings on your fingers; rest with your legs elevated; support your hands on a pillow so that they are higher than your arms; sleeps on the side to favor venous return; performs exercise regularly; Do circulatory exercises with your feet and rest periodically.

You will find yourself more restless and nervous as your due date approaches. Avoid feeling stress or anxiety because it can negatively affect your baby's neuronal development. The breathing and relaxation exercises will help calm you down.

Diet and feeding for the pregnant

It is advisable to take a soft diet to reduce the abdominal discomfort caused by heartburn and heartburn. The increase in the size of the uterus displaces the intestine and the stomach upwards, favoring the passage of gastric juices from the stomach to the esophagus. Therefore, you may feel burning sensation in the esophagus.

To mitigate these annoying effects, it is advisable to make five meals a day little copious, so that the digestions are light. When it's time to eat, sit down and take the time to eat with ease. Chew food well. Avoid fats, spices and spicy foods. Cook roasted, boiled or steamed foods. Limit the consumption of fried foods. Place one more pillow on the bed so that when you lie down you are a little incorporated. If discomfort persists, the doctor may prescribe antacids.

Curiosities of week 30 of pregnancy

Maintaining an optimal level of physical activity is important for all pregnant women. Women practiced sports usuallybefore becoming pregnant they can continue, excluding violent or competitive sports, sudden movements, jumping, excessive flexion of joints and bodily impacts. Women not accustomed to exercise can walk, swim, do yoga or tai chi, in order to keep the body toned and prevent muscle stiffness.

During exercise, it is normal to experience an increase in heart rate and if this sign is accompanied by respiratory distress, it is advisable to decrease the intensity of the activity in question.

It is time to start the childbirth preparation courses. It is convenient that you ask the midwife of your health center, since it is she who gives the courses, to whom it is advisable that you go with your partner.