25 Weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy week by week continues its journey during the second trimester of pregnancy. In week 25 of pregnancy sigue, the practice of moderate physical exercise to maintain good health remains important. However, in some cases, it is harmful for the pregnant woman or the fetus to practice sports. If

Pregnancy week by week continues its journey during the second trimester of pregnancy. In week 25 of pregnancy sigue, the practice of moderate physical exercise to maintain good health remains important. However, in some cases, it is harmful for the pregnant woman or the fetus to practice sports. If there is placenta previa or threatened with premature birth, physical exercise can endanger pregnancy.Changes in the pregnant woman's body

Around the 25th week of pregnancy, the compression of the uterus on the stomach can lead to a reflux or burning sensation because the lower sphincter of the esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter) does not It closes completely. A home remedy for heartburn is the infusion of marshmallow. Gases or flatulence are also frequent, which in some cases can cause pain when they are not expelled. They are normal in pregnancy by compression of the uterus on the intestinal loops. To avoid these discomforts avoid carbonated drinks and take infusions of chamomile, anise green or fennel.

Due to the volume of your gut, which is already evident to everyone, you will surely have changed your way of walking. The point of gravity in pregnancy changes as your pregnancy progresses and maintaining good posture, not too far back or forward, is essential to avoid annoying back pain.

However, due to this new position as of week 25 of pregnancy, pregnant women are more prone to fall. Try not to wear tight clothes or shoes with a high heel. In pregnancy, wearing comfortable shoes is essential. The low heel is recommended, from 2 to 3 cm, and preferable to flat hunting, which can cause discomfort in the calf twins.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

In the

week 25 of pregnancy el, the baby can weigh approximately 700-800 grams and measure about 22-23 cm. The sense organs continue their maturation process and you can open your eyes. It develops the sense of touch and can hear the heartbeat and the maternal breathing. The baby's teeth are located under the gums, but will not sprout until a few months after birth.

The blood vessels begin to develop inside the lungs and at the same time, they are developing and the structures of the spine begin to take shape because the bones are ossifying. The skin of the fetus has a pink color and a wrinkled appearance due to the lack of underlying tissue. He still has room to move and he does it regularly. So even if it is placed downward, in the cephalic position, it can be turned over and still change several times of posture before delivery. Actually, you have enough space to change positions several times during the day.On ultrasound, in addition to watching your baby kick, you will also see him yawning, laughing and sticking out his tongue. The heart is heard beating very fast between 120 and 160 beats per minute.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a series of changes take place at the respiratory level, which begin to be noticed in the second trimester of pregnancy with lack of air. The main change is the increase in oxygen consumption, followed by the elevation of the diaphragm (muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity) due to the progressive growth of the uterus, compensating widening of the ribs, so that respiration happens to be abdominal to be thoracic and nasal congestion and occasionally hemorrhages due to increased blood flow in the mucous membranes and hormonal changes.

Carry a more calm and regular rhythm of life, resting whenever you feel fatigue, avoid excessive efforts, regularly practice the breathing exercises suggested by the midwife and use an extra pillow to relieve breathing difficulty during sleep are some of the tips They can help you relieve the loss of lung capacity that can cause the pregnant woman to have a choking sensation. And if you are asthmatic, consult your doctor about the type of medication you should use to prevent your developing baby from suffering from lack of oxygen.

Diet and diet for the pregnant woman

Cravings are the unstoppable desire to eat something special during pregnancy. It is caused by metabolic and hormonal changes, but they have nothing to do with cutaneous alterations of a different nature (such as angiomas or skin tags) with which the baby can be born. These typical culinary whims of pregnant women do not affect the fetus.

Another myth that circulates in relation to the feeding of the pregnant woman is that spicy food hurts the baby. If you were not affected by any spicy food before pregnancy, there's no reason for you or your baby to be hurt now. Spicy can increase the risk of heartburn in any organism.

If you have not gone through toxoplasmosis, you should avoid eating undercooked or raw meats such as sausages, unpasteurized dairy products, raw fish or unwashed vegetables, since certain bacteria such as listeria or

toxoplasma gondii can be found in them

, which cause serious diseases in pregnancy.

Curiosities of the 25th week of pregnancy Some pregnant women may also feel nauseous during the second trimester of pregnancy, which can hinder proper nutrition of their baby. WHO has recognized the benefits of the traditional use of ginger root to prevent nausea and vomiting arising from pregnancy. In any case, it should be consumed in moderation. You can drink dry ginger, without exceeding 2 g per day. You can also eat it fresh, 2 g of dry ginger correspond to 10 g of fresh. The dry jenjible should be taken in small bites, sucking or drinking it in the form of an infusion and can even be used to grated salads and dishes. If you find it more comfortable you can opt for ginger pills, for sale in herbalists.