The emotional stability of children

I recently read that in some schools, this year they had introduced as a novelty in class work, el 'the corner of emotions' . This corner consists of the following: the teacher has made a mural in which are represented the different moods that a person can have: happy, sad, angry, scared, etc ... Ea

I recently read that in some schools, this year they had introduced as a novelty in class work, el 'the corner of emotions' . This corner consists of the following: the teacher has made a mural in which are represented the different moods that a person can have: happy, sad, angry, scared, etc ...Each day every child has to pass through this corner and place your photo in the mood you think you are on that day. Then, as a group, each child explains why he feels this way and shares it with his classmates. I thought it was a very good idea to work on this content of emotions, which is so much worked in Children.

Children must learn to think and also to feel

From school 'we are taught to think', but

learning to feel is something that seems totally forgotten es, it is something that everyone must learn to do alone. This is one of the problems of current education, since we forget that the main objective of education is to promote the integral development of children and therefore education will have to contemplate all the dimensions of the person: cognitive, physical-motor, psychological, social and affective-social.Faced with a more traditional education that has been focused on the development of the cognitive aspect, nowadays, and increasingly, we find an educational model more oriented to help children to know emotions better, and to know how to control them.

The socio affective development in children refers mainly to

the ability to recognize and express emotions and feelings

, it seeks to provide activities that allow the child to interact with the people around him so that he can socialize, establish links Affective, express your emotions and get that emotional stability you need. How to help children build bonds of affectionWhen they are very babies, most reactions respond to internal stimuli, but others respond to stimuli provided by the medium. Activities such as petting, rocking, singing and talking with the baby, despite not understanding the verbal language yet, if you perceive the gestures and non-verbal language of the body, and hands.

Around 3 months, they are able to express anguish, excitement and pleasure, so it is essential that we motivate the baby through incentives, such as a hug, a loving word, smiles etc ... when you get achievements.

By 6 months, children already identify and recognize their mother's moods. For this reason and for the baby to recognize these moods, it would be very advisable to show him gestures of laughter with laughter, frowning, pouting, startling faces, amazement, and always through the game as it is the best way for babies to learn.