Labyrinths for children. Games with paper and pencil

One of the favorite de hobbies de of children is the labyrinth. With just a pencil and an eraser, children can spend hours trying to find their way out of a labyrinth. Getting out of a maze will depend a lot on the ability of the child, rather than his age, although it is usually a game that is indi

One of the favorite de hobbies de of children is the labyrinth. With just a pencil and an eraser, children can spend hours trying to find their way out of a labyrinth. Getting out of a maze will depend a lot on the ability of the child, rather than his age, although it is usually a game that is indicated to children from 6 years old. For whom the game of mazes is indicated From six years of age, most children are able to start playing with mazes. At this age, children are already able to understand and accept the rules in games and seek outings. In addition, they will have sufficient motor skills to solve some mazes.

Labyrinths are ancient games in which children have to find a path or path from beginning to end. There are easy mazes and other more difficult, that is, of all levels. As children get the solution of some, they can move towards the more complicated. Everything is a matter of practice.

How to play with mazes

Mazes work like mental

puzzles. The children must find a correct path, and for that they will have to go through dead ends. Traditionally, a labyrinth was a complicated construction, usually of shrubs, where people were lost. With time, the labyrinth was transformed into a table pastime for children and adults.

The benefits of labyrinths The game with labyrinths brings many benefits to children: 1. They help them to have persistence;

2. Increase the concentration power of children;

3. Keep children occupied while having fun;

4. Exercise the children's mind and ingenuity;

5. Teach children to solve problems;

6. Promotes the child's fine motor skills.

If you want to print some mazes to play with your children,