Take care of the diet during pregnancy

If you were at a healthy weight before pregnancy, it is recommended that you gain between 9 and 14 kilos. The gynecologist will control the gain of kilos throughout the pregnancy , so it will be him who will guide you to avoid you being overweight or underweight, since both situations can be harmful

If you were at a healthy weight before pregnancy, it is recommended that you gain between 9 and 14 kilos. The gynecologist will control the gain of kilos throughout the pregnancy, so it will be him who will guide you to avoid you being overweight or underweight, since both situations can be harmful for the proper development of the baby. However, you can begin to take a healthy and balanced diet and take care of your diet during pregnancy, following a few simple tips.

Caring for meals during pregnancy

One of the maxims around feeding the pregnant woman is not eating for two, it is not necessary to double the food rations, since this will make you gain more weight than desired or necessary and , later it will be more difficult to recover your figure. From the beginning of pregnancy you will have to adopt healthy eating habits and take care of your pregnant diet, avoiding what is more caloric and less healthy. Perform 5 meals a day little copious will be ideal and will help you if you suffer nausea, heartburn or do not want to take too much weight.

- The breakfast of the pregnant woman: if before breakfast you frugally ate breakfast or just had a coffee, now impose a guideline and sit quietly for breakfast. Introduce milk, cereals and fruit first thing in the morning. You can even take toast because carbohydrates are an important source of energy.

- Mid-morning: if you are away from home, take a piece of fruit or yogurt. Avoid the pecking between hours, especially snacks or industrial bakery. It does not matter if one day you skip this rule, but if you get into the habit of taking buns and sweets between hours it is likely that you will start to gain weight and thus take care of your diet during pregnancy.

- The pregnant woman's food: Choose foods rich in nutrients and vitamins. You can enter meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, vegetables and legumes into your menu. Try habituarte to finish your meals during pregnancy with a piece of fruit, rich in vitamins, essential for the proper development of the baby. If you eat outside the house, you can take the prepared food, but if you have to eat in restaurants regularly, avoid pre-cooked meals and fast food.

- The snack during pregnancy: try not to skip the snack, this small contribution of food for the pregnant woman during the afternoon will make you not arrive at the dinner desperate to assault the refrigerator and eat everything you find. Whole-grain crackers, low-fat cheese, a piece of fruit or yogurt will be ideal foods on your pregnant menu. La - The pregnant woman's dinner:

You can vary between foods rich in proteins such as meats and fish, those that contain folates such as spinach or cereals and fiber, present in fruits and vegetables. Beverages for pregnant women

Dairy products, likewise, are an essential contribution for pregnant women. You have to get used to drinking at least

1 liter of milk per day. You can also alternate between milk, cheese or yogurt to get the calcium supplement necessary for you and the baby's development, it will be basic for the formation of your bones. Another routine you must adopt to take care of your diet during pregnancy is to drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day to be well hydrated. You can also substitute water for

natural fruit juices without added sugars. Caffeinated beverages are not eradicated in pregnancy diets but you have to limit consumption, as well as carbonated beverages because they produce a lot of gases. As for alcohol, it is completely

prohibited during pregnancy.