34 Weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a physiological process that entails certain physical, functional and psychological changes that are noticed in pregnancy week by week . From the 34th week of gestation , you will need to pay special attention to your skin, since it must be very hydrated and nourished to avoid the appea

Pregnancy is aphysiological processthat entails certain physical, functional and psychological changes that are noticed in pregnancy week by week. From the 34th week of gestation, you will need to pay special attention to your skin, since it must be very hydrated and nourished to avoid the appearance of stretch marks as a result of the stretching of the skin by the weight gain. The only way to fight stretch marks is to avoid their appearance, as they leave a scar on the skin that is difficult to erase once it occurs.

At the same time, your baby is finishing the development of its main organs and testing the functioning of some, such as the kidneys, expelling urine to the amniotic fluid, to better the outside world after delivery.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

The cardiovascular and nervous systems are adapting regularly to the changes that the body experiences in pregnancy. However, you may feel dizzy at certain times such as when you get up too fast or feel too hot. A drop in blood sugar or anemia can also lead to dizziness. And also the feeling of dizziness can also occur in some women when they develop supine hypotensive syndrome, it occurs when your blood pressure changes and the rhythm of your heart when lying on your back. Dizziness may last until you settle back.

Itching is also common in these last weeks of pregnancy in areas of greater distension of the skin as in the belly, buttocks, chest and thighs. To relieve itching it is necessary to apply an intensive moisturizing cream, at least twice a day, with a base of rosehip to prevent and avoid stretch marks of pregnancy. It is possible that some red pimples appear, which cause itching. In general, they are harmless, but you should consult your doctor if they are related to a liver problem.

The birth of your child is getting closer, and it is essential that you recognize the symptoms that will warn you of the beginning of the birth. All births are different, but there are common pre-birth signs, such as regular contractions, which you will feel at shorter and shorter timescales; the rupture of the amniotic sac or the loss of a blood-stained mucous flow; and the pains of menstrual type next to the annoyances in the lumbar region. All this is an indication of the dilation of the cervix.

Even so, the presence of these symptoms does not mean that labor has begun. It is possible that you will perceive these evidences in the form of prolegomena and it will be your doctor who will estimate that your moment of giving birth has arrived. You should call him immediately if you feel any of these signs.

Due to all the changes that your body has experienced, it is normal that at this stage you feel tired. Try to relax and prepare for the day of delivery. If you have to stand a long time, it is advisable that you use a belt that helps you hold and distribute the weight of your belly better.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

In week 34 of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 2,200-2,300 kilograms and measures around 45 cm. The main characteristic of this stage is the increase of weight and the strengthening of your body.

The brain and the rest of its main organs are finalizing their development so that after the birth they adapt definitively, in order to carry out their functions independently.

The baby alternates periods of wakefulness and sleep. When you are awake, you will perceive their movements in a vigorous way. The immune system is capable of fighting mild infections. Little by little, the skin is less wrinkled due to the accumulation of fat deposits. Often, the baby has hiccups and sucks his thumb.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

As of week 34 of pregnancy, you will notice a significant increase in the size and sensitivity of the breasts. Stretching the skin of some areas can result in stretch marks on thighs, abdomen and breasts. The best remedy is prevention with specific creams applied regularly based on rosehip.

If you present edema and a tendency to varicose veins in the legs and vulva, perform daily circulatory exercises and exercise specifically for pregnancy such as swimming or swimming for at least one hour a day.

Discomfort related to the digestive system are also frequent in the final stretch: heartburn and slow digestions, and increased risk of constipation and hemorrhoids are usually common discomforts. And we can not forget the need to urinate more frequently and lower back pain due to the change of the curvature of the back.

Diet and diet for the pregnant woman

At the beginning of pregnancy, both the midwife and the gynecologist emphasize the importance of acquiring healthy eating habits that improve health and at the same time avoid excessive weight gain. The objective is to reduce the risk of complications such as gestational diabetes or high blood pressure. For this reason, at the end of pregnancy, you should not let your guard down and you should continue adopting these beneficial measures for health, which you can maintain after delivery: Real - Make five little copious meals instead of three plentiful.

- Regularly take carbohydrates (rice, pasta, legumes and cereals), which provide energy.
- Grilled or steamed dishes, avoid fried foods.
- Take 5 servings a day of fruit, vegetables and vegetables.
- Eggs, milk and dairy products must be present in your diet.
- Limit the consumption of sweets, sugary soft drinks, snacks, precooked dishes ...
Curiosities of the 34th week of pregnancy

Although it is still early to start in childbirth, since term delivery is considered to be between weeks 37 and 40 gestation, you can experience a series of signs and symptoms called pródromos of childbirth, whose function is to change the cervix.


Engagement of the baby.The baby descends, so that the head fits into the maternal pelvis. Lowering the abdomen can relieve digestive discomfort and increase pressure on the bladder, so that you feel the need to urinate more often. Also, the fitting can cause a decrease in the movements of the baby. -
Braxton-Hicks contractions.Irregular contractions, little painful, that yield with rest. Its function is to mature the cervix, preparing it for dilation. -
Expulsion of themucous plug .A substance with a gelatinous consistency, mixed with red or brown blood. The mucous plug closes the cervix and isolates the baby from any virus or bacteria inside the uterus, acting as a protective barrier.