Thirteen month old baby. Development of the baby month by month

When the baby reaches 13 months, it is normal that he has already taken his first steps and that means that he will be able to explore corners of the house that he could not before. Everything catches your attention, so much so that needs like eating and changing diapers, do not arouse your interest

When the baby reaches 13 months, it is normal that he has already taken his first steps and that means that he will be able to explore corners of the house that he could not before. Everything catches your attention, so much so that needs like eating and changing diapers, do not arouse your interest so much.

At this stage, babies often reject their parents' arms and communicate more easily with their own. It is a stage in which the baby will begin to conquer more autonomy. For this reason, we must continue to monitor the steps of the baby, as well as security at home, in windows, cabinets, doors, furniture, etc. It is also important that parents follow the pediatrician's recommendations. There will be vaccines such as measles, mumps and rubella, which will be administered to the baby.

How much a 13-month-old baby weighs and measures

When the baby reaches the 13th month of life, its growth tends to be slower. Its average weight is usually 10,000 g and its size can reach about 80 cm. In this stage the babies tend to lose weight a little, since it moves much more than in the other months. He is a great explorer.

The reflexes of the baby with one year and one month

When they reach 13 months of age, babies, in addition to being able to move and control their legs better, also develop other skills with their hands. They usually grab, throw and manipulate objects, including the spoon, the pencils ... and they can make more defined and meaningful scribbles. There is still a long way for him to hold the objects well and control them, but little by little, depending on the interest he has and his abilities, the baby advances less or more in his balance.

The thirteen-month-old baby's physical appearance

At thirteen months of age, the body's posture and the movements of the baby are more controlled, although not completely stable. The baby begins to feel more strength in his legs, which helps him to stand more and more, even if it is holding on the furniture or in the hands of his parents. In this stage, his face is usually more elongated and will surely have much more hair. The little hands do not stop wanting to grab and pull the things that get their attention. Some babies will be able to hold the bottle by themselves and drink water, for example.

How a thirteen month old baby is fed

Usually thirteen month old babies start eating less. At this stage, the growth rate will be slower and the baby will begin to lose fat. The child will already know what he likes and does not like, to eat. Your diet at this stage will be based on fruits, meats, more legumes, cereals, and sugar should stay away from it. Apart from that, the baby will have days that he will eat more and others less.

The language of a thirteen-month-old baby

Most babies, at thirteen months of age, will know how to say "dad", "mom", apart from other words. Her vocabulary is still limited but in this second year of life and thanks to her curiosity, the baby knows more and more words, relating them to the objects and people around her. The baby will already know how to order some things, pointing or talking. The truth is that he will make himself understood when a need arises, even if only to attract attention.

Stimulate thirteen month old babies

At thirteen months of age, the baby will begin to develop new skills. Interactive games will arouse more interest. You can start to stimulate the baby's interest in books. There are books that offer experiences such as trying different textures of fabrics, hairs, even different smells. At this stage babies will love to see what happens when you put your finger in a hole or what is behind a page, or what noise you will hear when you squeeze something. It entertains you and entertains you a lot. In summary, the baby will have no reason to get bored.

Baby development month by month
First yearSecond year
Month 1Month 7Month 13Month 19
Month 2Month 8Month 14Month 20
Month 3Month 9Month 15Month 21
Month 4Month 10Month 16Month 22
Month 5Month 11Month 17Month 23
Month 6Month 12Month 18Month 24