Most popular names for children that begin with the letter P

There are so many possibilities to choose the name of the baby that sometimes the parents do not know how to decide. Some prefer to continue the family tradition in names, others know for years the name they want for their child and others are more influenced by the tendencies in names. To help in t

There are so many possibilities to choose the name of the baby that sometimes the parents do not know how to decide. Some prefer to continue the family tradition in names, others know for years the name they want for their child and others are more influenced by the tendencies in names.

To help in the choice of your child's name, we have ordered the popular names according to their beginning letter. In this list of 10 child names that begin with the P letter P you will surely find the best name for your baby. Popular names by the letter P

1. Pablo.

It is a Latin name with a long tradition. Its popularity has not been harmed by the use because this name has a very strong personality. It sounds elegant and distinguished and is still topical. 2. Pedro.

The name is of Latin origin and has been transmitted to us through the biblical tradition. It has a meaning of "stone" or "rock" and is a traditional name that is very familiar. Pedro inspires confidence and respect and has not lost freshness with the use. 3. Pau.

This name has a Catalan origin although it comes from the Latin Paulus. This is the Catalan version of Pablo that in this way gains in attractiveness. Simple and forceful, this name retains all the flavor of tradition without losing originality. 4. Pol.

Again a variant of the name Pablo, in this case of French origin. We like it because of that distinguished air it brings and because it is a charismatic and energetic variant. Without a doubt, one of the best proposals for your child. 5. Paschal.

It is a name of Greek origin with a meaning relative to religious Easter. It is a well-known name but little used, so it maintains all the strength and originality. In addition, Pascual is perfect to highlight the personality of your child. 6. Patricio.

The name is of Latin origin and is endorsed by a long tradition. Although its feminine, Patricia, is more frequent, this name has managed to maintain its popularity thanks to its capacity to reinvent itself in each generation. 7. Pius.

This name has a Latin origin and a meaning that speaks of kindness. His eloquence and simplicity are his main strengths in keeping his popularity unchanged despite its use. Strong and with a great personality, Pius can be the ideal name for your child. 8. Pelayo.

The name is of Greek origin, but it is inevitable to relate it with stories of knights, kings and conquerors. This name has a great charm and brings a touch of distinction like few others. In addition, Pelayo has been little used, so it remains original. 9. Prisco.

This name has a Latin origin and a meaning that speaks of veneration and admiration. It has an elegant air and having been a little used name, maintains all the originality and charisma. 10. Placido.

The name has a Latin origin and is very eloquent regarding its meaning. Tranquility, placidity and tranquility in this case amount to a balance in personality that also implies strength of character. Elegant and charismatic, it can be a good option for your child.