Most popular names for girls that begin with the letter P

Among the decisions prior to the arrival of the baby is to put the name. A decision that may be marked by the family tradition , by the personal tastes of the parents or by the trends in names of the moment. To help you in this task of choosing the name we have ordered the popular names according to

Among the decisions prior to the arrival of the baby is to put the name. A decision that may be marked by the family tradition, by the personal tastes of the parents or by the trends in names of the moment.

To help you in this task of choosing the name we have ordered the popular names according to your letter of beginning. In this list of 10 names for girls that begin with the P letter P you will surely find the best name for your girl. Popular names by the letter P

1. Paula.

It is a Latin name that means "the little one". It is a traditional name that never goes out of fashion and keeps a fresh and elegant touch. Its popularity is increasing because it is the ideal name to highlight the personality of your girl. 2. Patricia.

The name has a Latin origin and in its meaning the idea of ​​nobility is implicit. It is a traditional name that is very familiar but with enormous strength that has not been worn out by use. Patricia brings distinction and has a sophisticated touch. 3. Peace.

This eloquent name is of Latin origin. Inspire calm, calm and tranquility, but also charisma and creativity. Its popularity resides in that beauty that the simple and forceful names possess. A name that remains topical to trends and trends. 4. Penelope.

It is a name of Greek origin that has been transmitted to us through Greek mythology. Penelope, the wife of the hero Ulysses was a sign of perseverance and patience while waiting for her husband weaving and unraveling in the loom. A safe bet for your girl who will gain in sophistication. 5. Dove.

Again a name of Latin origin for which it is not necessary to inquire into its meaning. It is a name for a girl with a lot of charm and personality that is endorsed by a long tradition. A classic and familiar name that never fails. 6. Pilar.

We find a Latin origin in this name that is a regular in the lists of frequent names. Transmitted through the religious tradition, Pilar is a strong and energetic name and those qualities will be transmitted to the personality of your child. 7. Paulina.

It is a variant of Paula and has, therefore, a Latin origin. In this version, the name wins in elegance and presents a very seductive touch. We like Paulina because her musicality tends to highlight the delicacy of your girl. 8. Purification.

It seems that the names that begin with the letter P have a tendency to eloquence in these names of Latin origin. It is the case of Purification, which is quite a success for your child because it is a traditional name that is not outdated. 9. Pamela.

This name comes surrounded by mystery. There is no agreement on its origin or on its meaning, although it is most likely of Greek origin. This uncertainty only adds to the appeal of this name for a girl who sounds delicate and with personality. 10. Prudence.

Another name of eloquent, classic and traditional Latin origin that can be ideal for your little girl. Prudence is elegant and maintains that character of the names of always being reinvented with the passage of generations.