Pregnancy menu. Second month

During pregnancy, it is advisable to follow a healthy and balanced diet so that the health of the mother and, especially of the baby, are not altered. Eating well is doubly important during pregnancy. Therefore, we have prepared menus for pregnant women, week by week, that will help them to have a h

During pregnancy, it is advisable to follow a healthy and balanced diet so that the health of the mother and, especially of the baby, are not altered. Eating well is doubly important during pregnancy. Therefore, we have prepared menus for pregnant women, week by week, that will help them to have a healthy nutrition for her and her baby.

Weekly menus of the second month of pregnancy

For the elaboration of the menus, we counted on the collaboration of the nutritionist Cristina Abascal whose weekly menus guarantee a perfect feeding throughout the nine months of pregnancy.

In Guiainfantil we provide you with the four menus corresponding to thesecond month of pregnancy. Healthy and balanced diets for the beginning of pregnancy.

Menu week 5 of pregnancy. In the fifth week of pregnancy you have changing tastes and you may have the famous cravings for pregnancy. If you are one of those who have nausea surely you do not have much appetite.

Menu week 6 of pregnancy. Diet for the pregnant woman in the sixth week. Menu in week 6 of pregnancy. The foods that a woman ingests during pregnancy have a direct effect on the development and growth of the fetus

Menu for week 7 - pregnancy. Menu in week 7 of pregnancy. Two important aspects in the diet of the pregnant woman throughout the pregnancy and now in the seventh week are: the extra supply of foods rich in calcium and fiber.

Menu for week 8 of pregnancy. The intake of iron is essential in pregnancy and this week 8, since a large part is used by the mother to increase the amount of blood by 50% and the rest the fetus and the placenta for its development. Weekly menu in week 8 of pregnancy.

Menu week 9 of pregnancy. Some food measures to relieve this feeling of swelling that you can feel in week 9 are: avoid foods that produce gas. Menu for week 9 of pregnancy.