Most popular names for children that begin with the letter S

The baby arrives and you do not know what name he will wear. Choosing the name is not always an easy task since the influences are varied. Maybe you want a name that continues with the family tradition or maybe you prefer a more personal and original name for your child. To help you in the task of c

The baby arrives and you do not know what name he will wear. Choosing the name is not always an easy task since the influences are varied. Maybe you want a name that continues with the family tradition or maybe you prefer a more personal and original name for your child.

To help you in the task of choosing the best name, we have ordered the popular names according to your letter of beginning. In this list of 10 names for children with the letter S you will surely find the perfect name for the baby. Popular names by the letter S 1. Sergio.

It is a name with a curious Etruscan origin and a meaning of protection. It is one of the most attractive names for children because it has a special charisma that never goes out of style and remains original and fresh.

2. Samuel. The name is of Hebrew origin and has been transmitted to us thanks to the biblical tradition. It is a name with a familiar and classic flavor that accentuates its elegance. In addition, Samuel is one of those names that print personality.

3. Santiago. Again a name of Hebrew origin belonging to the biblical tradition. We are before one of the usual names in the lists of frequent names because its immense strength makes its popularity remain unchanged despite its use.

4. Saul. The name is of Hebrew origin, also coming from the biblical tradition. It is a charismatic name that is original and distinguished because it has not been worn out over the years. Its simplicity is one more point for this name to be a safe bet for your child.

5. Sebastian. It is a name of Greek origin with a meaning that speaks of respect and trust. It is a traditional name, coming from the religious tradition, but with such a charisma that it is capable of reinventing itself in each generation, always being fresh and current.

6. Simon. It is a name of Hebrew origin transmitted by the biblical stories. Its strength lies in its forcefulness, which surrounds it with an aura of creativity and charisma. Simon, is the perfect name to reinforce the personality of your child.

7. Salvador. It is a very eloquent name that has a Latin origin. We are before a name with a great personality capable of remaining original despite its long tradition. And it is that Salvador is a name that is reinvented and renewed with the passage of time.

8. Serafin. The name is of Hebrew origin and has a meaning related to fire. It has been transmitted to us through the Christian tradition personified in those spirits of goodness that surround the throne of God. Serafin is a name wrapped in all the good energy your child needs.

9. Silvio. It is a name of Latin origin that refers to forests and nature. It reaches us through the mythical Roman corpus, being Silvio the son of Aeneas and one of the first founders of the oldest Rome. A name loaded with history and legend that will be ideal for your child.

10. Sabino. Again a name of Latin origin with a historical and mythological flavor. The meaning of the name refers to the Sabines, one of the first Roman towns. However, despite its age, the name is original and fresh because it has not lost strength with the passage of time.